Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Answer The Question!"

Han Solo, Rick Deckard or Indiana Jones?
Gonna go with Solo here. I mean, he has a space ship. He does things. In space.

If you were a llama, where would you get your hair cut?
Nowhere, I would be a llama. I just would not care. I would just eat that grass and be a llama. With my llama ways and llama feelings.

What is love? (and no… ‘baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more’ isn’t a valid answer)

(you can thank Bob Dylan for this)

What is air?
It appears to be a three letter word. This is interesting! Air is a valuable resource and should be mined for gold.

Guilty pleasures?
Of course when someone asks me, nothing comes to mind. Except for the really inappropri-- I mean, I remember nothing! Food! Tasty unhealthy foods! Soda!

If you could have any skill uploaded to your brain via plug in your neck (matrix style), what would you like to learn?
A skill? Hmm. Math. All of the math. Or the skill of being really, really good at social situations. I’d manipulate my way to the top or just half-accidentally end up there because I‘d be a likable networking master!

Jedi or Sith?
I would like to say Jedi. I mean, I like to follow the rules and all that. But then a friend and I had this conversation last night…
Me: Honestly, I would do it [referring to a time-consuming solution to the lack of course books problem] if I didn't feel like everyone else should suffer because I've suffered too. 
Me: Maybe some day I'll just drag a chair over to the course books section of the library, with popcorn in my hand, and sit there and watch the miserable people who won't be able to get a course book in time and so have to come to terms with the fact that they will either have to bump the exam or get a book for an over-night loan, meaning they'll have one night to read it.
Me: I'll just sit there and watch, watch their misery. "That's right. Now you know how it feels too. Feel that rage building inside? Give in to it. That's right. Just giiive iiiin."  
Me: ...I might be a Sith of some sort.
What color would your lightsaber be?

If you could only listen to one record for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Any of the Battlestar Galactica soundtracks composed by Bear McCreary.

What alien species known from books, TV shows, games or movies would you be if you could pick one?
Right now, without thinking too much about it, I would say Turian (Mass Effect).


  1. I would quite like a social skill uploaded into my head, but I fear that it may be incompatible. So maybe I would go for singing :)

    1. oh! the skill of learning everything really fast! Though that is a bit like wishing for more wishes when a genie offers you three...
