Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mia's Uneventful Introduction

Hello, everyone!

I am Mia (also known as sterling on YourPants), a 21-year old archaeology student from northern Finland. I specialize in human osteology, the study of human skeletal remains, which is pretty much the reason I am studying the field of archaeology in the first place. I entered university in 2009, so I am currently paddling through my third year - time goes by way too fast if you ask me. I initially double-majored in archaeology and cultural anthropology but after the first year we were to make a choice which one to throw our full weight at. I went with the one that included the human remains. I intended to keep anthropology as a minor but the fact that it has a very small amount of courses sent me on a search for another option. I’ve since landed on museology as my minor.

I started my B.A. Thesis during the summer between my first and second year of studies, helping to produce information for an article, which I ended up co-writing. I’m still working on that same thesis because I am very skilled at procrastinating. In fact, I hold a PhD in procrastination and my work on that field has been well recognized by my peers.

So. “Why human osteology?“ I hear you ask (because you figure that is a better question than "why archaeology?"). I should probably word this in a different way or simply come up with a better reason, one that doesn’t make me sound demented, but, I like dead people. They are fascinating - human anatomy, pathology, causes of death, the decomposition process, I could go on... but I won’t. Generally being able to tell things by looking at a piece of bone is simply interesting to me. In addition: Dead people do not judge you, puke on you, pee on you, say or do rude things to you…they are generally more agreeable than the living, hence great people to work with. Also, they are already dead, responsibility over their life has been lifted! I’m pretty sure I would have gone on to study to become a Medical Examiner if I wasn’t so lousy at math.

Now, when I’m not looking at dead things or things that dead people have done hundreds if not thousands of years ago, I’m pretty much glued to my computer like a proper geek lady. Here, in the world of Internet, I watch episodes of shows that I love, chat with online friends, do play-by-post forum role-playing (and help maintain some related forums), watch Youtube videos, spam people with my art, and mindlessly refresh my Tumblr feed, grinning at gifs.

I draw quite a bit, these days mainly digitally. I’m decent at it and occasionally I even manage to make some money off of it, if I get lucky. (Wanna buy art? Buy some art from me. No? But look at this pretty. Oh please, god, please buy art from me! *falls to knees and bawls* WHY WON’T YOU BUY MY ART?) Krehm. Anyways. I like drawing.

I can’t bring myself to make a particularly smooth and wordy transition into things that I like and dislike, so, here, have some lists:

Some TV shows that I like(/d): Battlestar Galactica, Gilmore Girls, The West Wing, Castle, Bones, The X-Files, Stargate SG-1, ER, Body of Proof, Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, CSI Las Vegas, 30 Rock, Firefly, Futurama, The Rachel Maddow Show, Doctor Who.

Some things that I like: Cats, drawing, instrumental movie/TV show/game score music, play-by-post role-playing, writing, the book Bossypants by Tina Fey, winter, snow, caps lock as a humorous effect, being able to use my open window as a fridge or a freezer during winter, documentaries about serial killers, the English language, Tumblr, making quote graphics, the comfortable position I’m lying in right now.

Some things that I dislike: Warm summers, black flies (Simuliidae), the Tea Party movement, Comic Sans font, most chat/text message speak, when people use your instead of you’re or vice versa, those teenagers on the train who I had to listen to while they pondered on whether B.C. is ‘Before Christ’ or ‘Before God‘, most Reality TV, most music doing well on the billboards these days, public restrooms, the fact that I'm not lying in that comfortable position anymore.

P.S.: Enjoy the stick figure version of me that I doodled up a while back. It makes me look like a skinny person. Also, I'm guilty of making the banner image. That is all. See you all around!


  1. heh Don't worry, as a history minor, I've got your back on the whole liking dead people thing.

    Also, BSG, Bones, Friend, Firefly, Futurama, The Rachel Maddow Show and Doctor are all awesome! I haven't seen any of the other ones.

    1. Well you at least have an excellent, excellent start on the shows! xD

  2. Not even remotely surprised to see Bones among your favourite TV shows.

    1. I know. It's like looking at a frat boy's favorite movie list and seeing American Pie or Dude Where's My Car on it. (You should know, coming up with this analogy took me a while because I kept thinking up Hitler and Mel Gibson jokes.)

  3. I just love your drawing! It's really pretty.

    1. Awh! Thank you! xD (Here is the full drawing it's from: )

  4. I can understand your "liking dead people" thing. I'm also fascinated by dead people and death in general. I like forensics and crimes, I'm fascinated by serial killers and murders and all that stuff you should not be fascinated by.
    Besides, good points with the peeing and puking! XD

    1. I like it how similar we are. \o/ I agree with all the things! Death, crime, forensics, psychology behind crime.... fascinating stuff!

      Gotta say, when I mentioned puking and peeing I was already sympathetically thinking of you and how you likely have to deal with it.

      Meanwhile, I get to deal with the layer of human fat still covering the "cleaned" bones (although I think there are faaar messier things in my future than corpse fat), which my teacher wouldn't touch with bare hands (we don't wear gloves unless we *have* to) and had me do it instead when she could. I actually don't mind, it just feels like holding a bee wax candle and kinda makes you wanna wash your hands immediately after handling...pretty much just like with candles, again.

  5. Might I also say I love your drawing... Also, that Tina Fey is probably one of my favorite people in existence, and when my fridge broke last month, I definitely used the windowsill method of fridgeration for a while haha

    1. And by fridgeration, I meant REfridgeration:)

    2. :D Thank you!
      And yes. Tina Fey is pretty darn awesome. I seeeriously recommend reading Bossypants if you haven't already. xD It's the first book in a while that I have liked so much that I've actually gotten sad over finishing it.

    3. I'm gonna order Bossypants, I need a new book anyway -shoves pile of unread books away-

    4. I've had it on hold from the library for ages! I might just have to order it too...

    5. I recommend ordering from! :D No shipping! No matter where you are. Plus often cheap.

      I see what you did there! *looks at the pile of unread books Sarah pushed away* I sense we have another person who loves to buy books despite having a bunch of unfinished ones! xD Why is buying books so much fun you guise? :U

    6. I always order on, they also ship for free to Austria... although since I got my unsigned TFiOS, I'm not on great terms with them!
