Sunday, January 29, 2012

An introduction to Kate :)

Well hello everyone!

Well my name is Kate, 18 years old and currently studying my first year of Countryside Management at university in England. Now, Countryside Management may seem a bit of an odd choice for a degree. However, I am born and bred in the countryside. I come from the North West of England from a small village on the coast and I grew up with a deep love and respect for the countryside which surrounded me. I knew there was no chance I was going to be stuck in an office job my entire life as I would go even more insane than I am now. I am happy when I am outside getting mucky and exhausted from outside work.

The countryside makes up a huge part of me, not just my choice of degree. It also makes up a lot of the hobbies and activities I have when I am not studying. I love walking and going on adventures with my boyfriend (we manage to always get lost and find new paths and trails we never knew even existed, everytime we go out!), walking my totally adorabubble dog, photography and I have started riding at university although I am still not the best (also I am allergic to horses so come away from lessons with big red puffy eyes).

Other interests of mine include but are not limited to: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I adore this programme and has to be my favourite TV series in the world to date. Doctor Who, Merlin, Pokemon (game and have started to rewatch the anime), writing although I always seem to get sidetracked eventually and have all sorts of unfinished projects on my computer. I also love reading although I cannot narrow down the list of books I love to tell you my favourite.

Things I dislike: Selfish people, spicy foods and when cars run through puddles fast and splash you (with the amount of rain here in England this can be a problem).

Random facts about me:.......erm....... I can click my shoulder out of place and then click it back, it is a great trick at parties. Also I am a huge John Wayne fan, as in mega huge. AND I still have a teddybear in my room called Big Ted (no laughing!).

I think that is everything. Although no doubt once I publish this I will remember something else. I can't wait to get to know everyone better.

Tatty bye and DFTBA



  1. Replies
    1. He really is. But because he is cute he gets away with pretty much everything :P

  2. I've lived in a countryside for quite a big portion of my life too. I used to do horse riding regularly for several years (briefly worked at stables for job practice too)! I miss it a *lot* but it's expensive and I've since become more shy with social interaction and such, so the threshold for getting back into it has only grown... :P Have you tried those medicine dealies that are supposed to lessen allergic reactions? (The ones that they keep advertising on TV, especially for people who suffer from allergic rhinitis due to pollen and such)

    1. Luckily because I am part of the club at uni the lessons are cheaper so it is all good :) I have, they help as otherwise I would be sneezing and be a huge mess. But haven't found one yet which helps with the whole eye problem :s

  3. Replies
    1. He really is. At home we have three dogs but Kip is mine. He is a westie x scottie x jack russel.

  4. I'm afraid I have to ask: but what is countryside management?

    1. Countryside Management is basically looking at lots of different things related to the countryside and problems and trying to figure out how to get round them. How to keep the countryside at it's best. We cover all sorts from field skills to recreation in the countryside. :)

    2. Are there a lot of universities that actually offer such a course? It sounds very specialist. And fascinating.

    3. Not a lot. There are courses similar but not the same. Mostly it is agricultural universities and colleges that offer it. ^^

  5. Woop woop for living in the countryside! Where abouts in England do you live?

    1. Woop indeed XD when i'm at home I live in a little village called Silverdale in the NW. My uni however is in Shropshire.

    2. *Excuse me whilst I google map* Yeah, Silverdale does look quite little. On the plus side, Shropshire Uni isn't all to far from mine :)

    3. Silverdale is but I liked it, I'm not much of a town person. I go to Harper Adams so we really are quite close to each other!!! XD that is really exiting ><

    4. According to the internets, 45minutes away. It's a crazy world in which we live! I can sympathize with not being a town person. I grew up in South London, before moving to Somerset. It's so much nicer in the country!
