Monday, September 24, 2012

Wot My Bedroom Is Like.

Here's a fun fact for you: I'm not currently living in my bedroom. Me and some mates are housesitting for another friend of ours who's away in America and whose parents are... somewhere. But telling you about someone else's room in someone else's house in the open internet is a bit weird. Instead, I will use these pictures of my room which I took right before I left.

So. My bedroom is a 4-ish by 5-ish metre room on the second storey of my family's house. This means it has an awesome slanted roof, but it gets very very hot in the summer. I moved into this room when I turned 12. Before that, I shared a room with my younger brother. I have replaced none of the furniture since I moved in, so it's all still the blue-and-silver stuff I thought was cool when I was 12.
This is my bed, and my spare bookshelf full of reference books, and my Dalek poster, and the pictures I pulled out of an astronomy calendar, and a floor lamp.  As you can see by the window, it is night time. Or at least, it was when I took the pictures. I tend to keep my window open otherwise the room heats up like the pits of hades. On the windowsill is a pot plant. Both the pot and the plant are from Ikea.

This is my desk. It's actually a dining table, from Ikea, but I've never used it for anything but a desk. Until recently, it was home to Stickers, the laptop I got when I started high school. Then my brother had a party, and Biscuitron the Magnificent from the living room got moved up here for 'safekeeping'. It's mine now. Also on the desk are some pens and some keys and some lamp and some mug.

To the left of the desk is a clothes rack. From Ikea. This picture also shows off my Wall Wot Has All My Posters On, and my sexy awesome slanting roof. In the bottom left corner you can see my uni backpack. On the bottom right you can see Blue Thing (as the guys at uni have taken to calling it), a blue zip-up polar fleece which I bought for fourteen dollars which is the closest thing I have to a trademark item.

To the right of the desk is the storage. From top to bottom, left to right: A set of in-trays, containing toys and stationery. Top metal drawer is pens and junk. Middle drawer is computer peripherals. Bottom drawer is hundreds of CDs and DVDs, a dozen odd DV tapes, and a lonely floppy disk. White chest of drawers in the middle is shorts and socks and pyjamas and such. Trolley shelf thing on the right is PAPERWORKS because I am an ADULT. Also uni notebooks from last year, and some more stationery.

You have already seen the contents of the right bookshelf. The left bookshelf is all kids books, mostly in series. Also in this photo are more photos, a bunch of movie tickets, and my high school leavers jacket. Oh, and the door. There's also a door.

So now you know where I am not currently living for the next few weeks! For bonus content, this is what happens when you leave a bunch of nineteen-year-olds in a house by themselves...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dorm Life

Sunday I finally moved into my dorm (hip hip hooray!).  The past week I've been living here by myself, but tomorrow my single will become a triple and the fun times filled with talking/singing to myself and listening to stuff without headphones will end.  *sigh*

So here's my space!  Let's start with the most interesting part, my desk.  At the top layer, you will find various posters, including a duplicate of the one found in Mulder's office (X-Files) and a drawing of a sheep with the motivational caption, "I'll never be good at anything."  The greenish picture was taken at a summer music program that made me interested in making music my career, the small picture features my friend and I as characters from Star Wars Episode II, and the big frame is home to many pictures and memories with a good friend from high school.  My cactus Fluffy: The Vampire Slaying Cactus also lives on this level.

Next shelf down!  I have two mugs: one is Firefly themed and the other is a senior mug from my high school.  At the foot of the dalek alarm clock is a little woven, DNA-looking twine thing given to me by a long time friend on my last day at home.  The other items are Doctor Who related with the exception of the tiny piano and my Buffy lunch box that is packed full with many different types of tea.

Last level!  There is a printer, basic office supplies, my whiteboard, and a duct tape mat made by my mom (it has my school colors).  I was playing my melodica before I starting taking pictures but decided to keep it out so I could show it off.  Bam, cool melodica!!!
 Under the desk is where my music stuff lives in a crate.  The drawers are filled with supplies and food.

This is the big window that lets in a precious, cold breeze during hot end-of-summer nights.  Below is the microfridge that allows me to make tea and ramen noodles and other assorted college foods.

And here is my bed, where nothing happens because I'm too busy to sleep.  I choose the top bunk because I'm adventurous and want to make my life more complicated.  Behind my bed are cabinets where I keep clothes and other things.  

That is the end of the tour folks!  I hope you all enjoyed seeing my little room.  It probably won't change much over the next few months, I'll just add more posters and books (and possibly turn it into a disaster area during finals).  And now I will sleep.  Good night.

P.S. - Tack is stupid, it is absolutely useless for hanging posters. (Observe below example.)

Monday, September 17, 2012

This is where I keep my stuff

The slightly creepy but entirely adorable bear on my wall welcomes you to my room! Before we begin this tour, it is advised that you keep your fingers on the left mouse button and your eyes on the screen for safety reasons. Some explanation will be needed for the state of my room. I have the largest room in the house (it's a studio room), so there's a crazy amount of space. As such, both my brother and I store our stuff in the room and use it equally for doing stuff and entertaining guests. I don't actually even spend that much time in the room cause I prefer sitting at my dining table cause there's better Wifi connection. So I'll show you my stuff and the general room area. My brother is moving out soon, so it'll all be mine soon enough. It's all very complicated. 

This is the general area of the room. There's a little bit more behind me where I'm standing, but that's where my brother stores his Lego and it's a mess. So you will pretend it's not there. 

This is my corner where I put some of the stuff, and most of my university books and notes. I never actually sit here, but the table is there if I ever need it. I love it mostly cause it's orange. 

This is a close up of my wall of stuff. There isn't a lot, but it's expanding. Mostly I like to put up tickets from gigs I attend or postcards. The pictures on the left are my class pictures from my five years in high school and my last year of primary school. And then the pictures on the right are just pictures of my friends and family. The larger framed photos are of the peer counselling society I was president of, and my high school graduating class respectively.


 The other desk that is in the room is the one my brother uses for assembling his Lego, which is why it's in my room cause there's no where else to put it in the house. He's a huge Lego fan, but I reckon the picture should explain it.
And then there's a CD rack for all our CDs. Most of our favourites are kept in the car, but here are some of the rest. Anybody a fan of these bands? : D

Now, the tour will move to my favourite item in the room, the bookshelf! This is located at back part of the room that wasn't in the picture above, which is why you couldn't see it. It's a limited edition one IKEA Billy (yay for Billy fans?) which features Shakespeare quotes all over it.  It's really pretty, and I have no humility in saying so! 

That's pretty much all the I have in my room that's interesting enough to show. As a bonus, I took out my badge collection to show you guys. I keep them in a Bart Simpson lunch box tins, which incidentally is part of my collection of Simpsons tins (I like Simpsons merch). So the middle picture are all of my pins and badges, while the right picture are just the lapel pins on their own. 

And that's a wrap! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ali's lilac bubble :)

So, I wasn't sure how I could make a blog post of my room without it being crazy long and having a bazillion photos, so I've made a shorti-ish video of a tour of my room. Please excuse my awful video making skills!

 One thing that really strikes me about my room having thought about what to write, is how girly it actually is! I promise, I'm not a girly girl, nor have I ever been, but I am rather a fan of the colour lilac.
Also, I have quite a large collection of teddys. I have tried, to no avail to clear some of the out, but I'm just far too attached!

So if there's anything you want to know, or stalk me about, let me know, and feel free to ask questions :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome to my crib

Room tour! Yay!
Welcome to my room. I just redecorated my door - I went with a cow theme this time ;) You can get those posters in the Tyrol shop in the city and they get new ones every six months, so that's really a nice thing.

The Lord of the Rings print is hanging there forever already.

And my sister always sticks some stuff to my doorframe, you can't see it from this angle, but on the other side is a Woodchopper Simulator ad. Very funny.

In general most of my room is taken by my bed. It's 1.40m wide and I love it. It's just perfect for me alone, I find it a bit too small for two persons XD Usually it never looks so neat, there is always stuff piling up on the side. Also, I usually have sheets matching my wall, those are the only ones that don't fit (but they are pretttyyyy).
On the wall I have some pictures of me and my boyfriend and friends and my sister. I'm about to redecorate that wall, but I'd need to buy canvas for that and I always forget.
Behind my bed is one of my bookshelves. There's also my E.coli plushie because why would you not want to have that as a plushie?
If you turn to the right you see my other, slightly more messy, bookshelves. I have my books sorted by author and genre, obviously.
On the lower shelves are mostly boxes and other crap.
In the corner of my bed are a big bear (called Lea, I have it forever) and a still nameless Husky puppy my boyfriend brought me from Santa's village in Rovaniemi (Finland).

More to the right is my door again, but it's not very exciting. I keep my hoodies on some hooks on the door and I have a lot of stickers on it. Next to it is a Lord of the Rings map a friend made for me. It's so beautiful!
Then there's my closet - it's also nothing special, IKEA Pax, very messy inside and too little space.

Directly on the right of my closet is my main area - my desk. I have my Macbook Air plugged to the big Samsung screen because I like having a big screen. I have a lot of pens on my desk - still from my studying period - and the XBox. TV, Color laser printer (with Ezio Auditore on it), subwoofer, that's my little Hi-Fi center XD

You can't see the cable mess under my desk on this picture, but it's quite terrible. I also have router and modem under/behind my desk, plus all the power cords...
On the wall, a brain poster. Nothing more to say!

On the last wall is another bookshelf (I have five Billys in total) with my university folders, boxes with stuff and my medicine books. Do you see the surgeon rubber duck? XD
Also, unsolved Rubik's Cube.
The doors of the big shelf (and also of the one next to the door) are customizable, so I put there some wrapping paper. At the moment I don't have a carpet because I'm getting a new one soon - the old one was too big, we have floor heating and when there's too much stuff on the floor (*cough cough*) it doesn't work properly and I have to freeze.

My room is directed to the north and on the ground floor (our house is built into the mountain side, so our upper and lower floor are actually ground floors), so it's always rather dark inside. I do get a bit of sun everyday around 16:15 in the summer though XD

And now some random stuff in my room: close up of my medicine books and the surgeon rubber duck. Also, another shot of my desk, because let's face it, it's the most important thing in my room. I have a nice big TV, but only 3 HD channels (we only have cable...), so if I watch TV, I usually only watch Servus TV (it's Red Bull's TV channel and they have AMAZING documentaries in AMAZING quality).

 The little one on the left is my plushie goat Schnucki. I got it when I was 7 and it still sleeps in my bed every night. A goat is so much cooler than a common teddy bear!
On the right is my little snow globe collection. My mother started to bring me a snow globe from places she goes to. I have Jerusalem (I guess that's rather a sand storm), Vienna, Granada and the forth one I don't remember where it's from. And there are two shot glasses, one from Barcelona and one from Greece, but I actually never used them so far.
Everytime I go somewhere I think that I should start to collect something. A former friend of mine buys on of those little sight souvenirs from every place she goes to. I'd like to have something cool too, but so far I haven't decided yet what I could be. And now I've already been to too many places that I won't go to again so soon, so I missed the opportunity to buy something there and that sucks. Do you collect something? Or do you have an idea what I could collect?

So now you know my room. Feel free to stalk!

Mia's Room

Welcome to my room. The place where I am glued to the computer screen. Feast your eyes as I just cleaned it! (Click the thumbnails for the larger images)

Here you can see the right side of my room, where the only properly decorated wall is located. There hang posters of Conan O’Brien support (when he was getting kicked off the Tonight Show because Jay Leno decided he didn’t want to quit after all - art by Mike Mitchell) and the first Cylon war from Battlestar Galactica. Framed with nice and cheap picture frames from Ikea.  Between the posters, among other things, is a mask I bought from Venice and in the corner is my bulletin board, where I store important and stupid crap. Like a banana plushie keychain my friend gave me as a birthday present. It looks like a penis when you peel it. My friend did her shopping at an erotica store.


Anyways, on the floor there is a jumble of wires. It is also where the internet lives. Then there are the two small TV counters that I use as shelves for books, DVDs, and other doodads, as well as for housing my scanner-printer-copying machine combo. My computer is perched on a footstool matching the chair I have. Actually, it’s perched on a cooling platform that’s on a Pink Panther comic book that’s on the footstool. Interesting, I know. If you look close enough you might even spot my pile of tissues. Oh, and on the top side of the image, where the curtain is, you can see some feathers. They are from a dream catcher I have hanging from the ceiling above my bed.


Here’s a detail shot of the contents of one of my TV counters (the other one shall remain a mystery to you, because of poor lighting). There’s a lot of fictional murder in there. Also sci-fi. Then there are the anatomy books, post-its, random military insignia, fans, a signed Piano Guys CD, and possibly the single geekiest setup in my room: A cylon figurine with a T-Rex accidentally posed to bite its hand.


The left wall of sadness. Few months ago I made a pathetic attempt at finally decorating that wall but, yeah, it’s still rather empty and miserable. There is only a printed image of a painting of mine and a collage of behind the scenes photos from Silence of The Lambs that came with the special edition DVD.

There is my fairly comfortable red chair, which I rarely actually sit on. It mainly works as an additional shelf that usually houses my bag, maybe some handouts and notebooks, and what ever I’m going to wear the next day. Right now it has my hoodie, by bag, a notebook and my warm blanket with reindeer images on it. The only reason my clothes aren’t there is that I removed them when I vacuumed it…and didn’t throw them back because frankly, I’m not ready to share my pile of clothes with you people, plus then you wouldn't have seen the chair well enough.

That thing hanging from the handle of one of the doors of the built-in closets is an USB cable. That handle is where I keep some of my wires. Yes. And within that closet there are the rest of the books I wanted to keep in my room instead of the hallway closet. As well as some random crap.

Then there is my bed. Which looks all colorful. It’s something I’ve shocked people with in the past (the bright or pastel-y colors don't generally match people's perception of me. They are right, but my secret is that I don't care about the colors of my bed sheets as much as I do about how good the fabric feels, eh heh). Also, clearly the best pillow ever: my Snufkin pillow.


The End.

(Spotted something in one of the photos? Anything related to my room you want to know more about/want me to talk about? Just ask about in the comments.)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thought from places: Ali's bed

Okay, let's get this cleared up quickly. This is not a sexual post - I know what you guys are like, and no doubt you'll find and make innuendos from what I write anyway, but still.
Hopefully this post will show why I've not been as present for the past few weeks and also my gradual decent into madness in pictorial form.

This is my bed at current, well the only difference being that I'm in it at the moment. You're going to have to accept that normally, I'm a very tidy person. Normally my bed does not look like this, and it pains me to put a photo of a messy bed up on the internet (mild OCD tendencies), but I have to to illustrate my point.

First, please observe the reason for my slow decent into madness. My personal statement. Contained in my notepads, folders and laptop are parts of my personal statement. I'm applying to start a P.G.C.E (post graduate certificate in education - or teacher training for most people) in September of next year. But why had this led to your madness you ask? I'm terrible at selling myself. I have no idea how I can make myself look good. It's only made harder by the very strict guidelines about what I should write and how much. How do you sell yourself to a University in 47 lines or less, especially when like me you have oodles of relevant employment and work experience?

 Next observe the loveliness of my boyfriend.
The heart shape cushion to the right, was a Christmas gift from 2 years ago, which gives me solace in my despair. To the left a freakin' huge bar of chocolate which he arrived at my house with yesterday, along with a bunch of flowers. I put my hand next to it to give some idea of size, but unfortunately, you can't really tell where my hand stops and where my arm starts for some strange reason. Probably a better idea of size would come from its weight - 390g is you're interested. Both of these things bring me comfort during this time.

To the left, my teddy's. My companions in this expedition of personal statement. To the right, the seating position, which I usually assume around 10 in the morning and leave around 5 in the evening. Fun fact - although memory foam bed are mean to spring back up when you get off them, if you stay in the same position too long, it is possible to leave a permanent butt print. I'm so classy aren't I guys.

Why you might be wondering, would it take so long to write 47 lines as difficult as it is? Below is one of the main contributing factors. Brace yourself guys, it isn't pretty ...

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Don't judge me! Please! This blog post is clearly a cry for help, so to help myself, I vow that one, this time next week, the personal statement well at least have been completed up to first draft and two, that I will at least try to deal with my sims addiction.

"But wait," you cry, "this week is meant to be thoughts from your favourite place! How can it be your favourite place when it is the place where you are slowly losing your sanity?"
Let me stop you right there. My bed is my favourite place to be. It's the epitome of all things comfortable and lovely. It's my safe haven. I sleep with it almost every night. I love my bed, and it's not its fault that I've been abusing it for the past few weeks. So although quite clearly I've lost it, one thing is quite clear - what me and my bed have, it's special.