Friday, September 7, 2012

Thought from places: Ali's bed

Okay, let's get this cleared up quickly. This is not a sexual post - I know what you guys are like, and no doubt you'll find and make innuendos from what I write anyway, but still.
Hopefully this post will show why I've not been as present for the past few weeks and also my gradual decent into madness in pictorial form.

This is my bed at current, well the only difference being that I'm in it at the moment. You're going to have to accept that normally, I'm a very tidy person. Normally my bed does not look like this, and it pains me to put a photo of a messy bed up on the internet (mild OCD tendencies), but I have to to illustrate my point.

First, please observe the reason for my slow decent into madness. My personal statement. Contained in my notepads, folders and laptop are parts of my personal statement. I'm applying to start a P.G.C.E (post graduate certificate in education - or teacher training for most people) in September of next year. But why had this led to your madness you ask? I'm terrible at selling myself. I have no idea how I can make myself look good. It's only made harder by the very strict guidelines about what I should write and how much. How do you sell yourself to a University in 47 lines or less, especially when like me you have oodles of relevant employment and work experience?

 Next observe the loveliness of my boyfriend.
The heart shape cushion to the right, was a Christmas gift from 2 years ago, which gives me solace in my despair. To the left a freakin' huge bar of chocolate which he arrived at my house with yesterday, along with a bunch of flowers. I put my hand next to it to give some idea of size, but unfortunately, you can't really tell where my hand stops and where my arm starts for some strange reason. Probably a better idea of size would come from its weight - 390g is you're interested. Both of these things bring me comfort during this time.

To the left, my teddy's. My companions in this expedition of personal statement. To the right, the seating position, which I usually assume around 10 in the morning and leave around 5 in the evening. Fun fact - although memory foam bed are mean to spring back up when you get off them, if you stay in the same position too long, it is possible to leave a permanent butt print. I'm so classy aren't I guys.

Why you might be wondering, would it take so long to write 47 lines as difficult as it is? Below is one of the main contributing factors. Brace yourself guys, it isn't pretty ...

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Don't judge me! Please! This blog post is clearly a cry for help, so to help myself, I vow that one, this time next week, the personal statement well at least have been completed up to first draft and two, that I will at least try to deal with my sims addiction.

"But wait," you cry, "this week is meant to be thoughts from your favourite place! How can it be your favourite place when it is the place where you are slowly losing your sanity?"
Let me stop you right there. My bed is my favourite place to be. It's the epitome of all things comfortable and lovely. It's my safe haven. I sleep with it almost every night. I love my bed, and it's not its fault that I've been abusing it for the past few weeks. So although quite clearly I've lost it, one thing is quite clear - what me and my bed have, it's special.


  1. "you can't really tell where my hand stops and where my arm starts for some strange reason"
    Perspective is a bitch like that. :P

  2. God, Ali. How perverted do you think we are? xD

    Selling yourself is always hard. Unless you happen to be an egotistical narcissist, or really confident...or used to pretending when it comes to this subject.

    Man! Your room is so pastely! And your bed sheets match your walls! And you think that's a messy bed? Jebus! Also, I do hope you have something under your laptop. It might start overheating if it's on a soft surface where the fans can't properly spew out the warm air. :U

    1. It's not how perverted I think you are, but how perverted I know you are.

      My room is a little girls dream. It's also my dream. I'm a girly girl at heart, and fart rainbow clouds :) You think it's odd that my walls match my bed covers ish, well my curtains are the same material and pattern as my bed cover. So yeah. Yes this is messy. This is very messy, and somewhat stressful.

      Nope I don't have anything under my laptop (don't hate me!), but I do an awkward one leg laptop balance so that all my fans are exposed when I'm using it.

    2. Well, all the stuff in my room matches too, but that's because it's all from Ikea.

      Also fun fact about butt prints in beds: I flipped my (regular ordinary) mattress over the other day and I couldn't sleep because EVERYTHING FELT WEIRD. Beds are funny like that.

    3. YAY IKEA! I have a 1.40m bed with about 60cm sleeping space because the rest is being taken by laundry, bags, books and my stethoscope. I wish I had your messy bed :D

      Also yay for Sims! I should play again, maybe I'll do that today in the evening.

      And also, I read penis instead of pains. I'M SORRY.

    4. Nope. I still say think. :P

      I can see that. Man, a little girl that is actually girly would friggin love your room! They'd never leave! Though I firmly believe you are missing a unicorn plushie.

      SRSLY START USING LIKE...A BIG BOOK OR SOMETHING UNDER YOUR LAPTOP! It'll likely make your laptop last longer. :U Plus it'll be more comfortable. :D

      My room doesn't match really. Not intentionally anyways. The curtains, the carpet and my lounging chair are all red though! Accidental match-up.

    5. I concur with the wooooo IKEA! Also, I agree Rocky, beds are funny.
      Am I the only one with a vaguely tidy room then?
      Sarah - you should hang your head in shame.
      Mia, Unicorn's definitely aren't my thing. Also, I have a laptop top tray, I'm just far too lazy to get it out my cupboard ...

    6. Haha, okay Mia :)
      The food at ikea is the bestest! Also, expect an introduction to the teddy's in next weeks post :)

    7. I like Ikea for the cheap, large picture frames they sell. I need them! Never cared about the food there. My dad's girlfriend does love the soft serve they sell, I've never bothered to have some. I've just had their small, cheapo hot dogs.

      ...last time I went to Ikea I moo'd. I was going through the little path they've defined and there were other people doing the same in this idle pace and I started to feel like cattle. :P

    8. We played hide and seek in Ikea once. It was glorious.

    9. I think this begs the question, why aren't we as awesome as you Rocky?
      Mia - MOOOOOOOOOOO :)

    10. Man, someone somewhere should have a nerdfighter gathering where they all go to Ikea to play hide and seek and document it via photographs.

  3. I can completely and absolutely relate to the need to get a personal statement done! In fact, that is what I'm working on now... I'm a fantastic productive procrastinator.

    1. Welcome to our procrastinator club!

    2. I would definitely get a first in procrastination.

    3. I'm sort of hoping that I get a lower second for my own sake. hehe Also on another note, is it bad that I've never stepped foot in an Ikea?

    4. Nope. But it does make people wonder where you get your cheap furniture. :PPPP

    5. You've never been to ikea? What are you doing with your life?
      I rarely buy anything in Ikea, but me and mum go there for something to do. It's cool seeing all the weird trendy furniture. It's almost like a free art gallery. Also, I very much enjoy the food :)

  4. By the way, on the first picture you can see the size of the chocolate quite well!

    1. So you can :) You can never have to many photos of chocolate :)
