Sunday, January 29, 2012

Millie says Hello.

Hello everybody! I'm Millie and I'm a 19-year old Psychology student from Malaysia. I just started my second year at HELP University. The reason I got into Psychology was merely cause it seemed like a darn interesting thing to study and I just couldn't see myself studying anything else. I figured if I could sit in a shopping mall watching people and wondering about them, I could sit in a lecture hall and learn about them for real. I also did like the idea of it being a social science in the sense that there's a somewhat methodological approach to it, but there's an element of never really knowing what's going on. It can get quite frustrating when everything is in the grey area, but it's fascinating all the same.

What am I going to do after? Well right now I am merely drifting about aimlessly with a really vague goal of continuing on to getting my Masters and becoming a practicing Clinical Psychologist. At times I choose this goal just because it seems one of the harder things to do and I want to be motivated to go above and beyond to get there. At the same time, I have an inkling that I will be staying in the academics line and might just end up as a lecturer. But we'll see.

I'm one of those people that really enjoys learning things, but never really puts a lot of effort into it. If I had to really strive to learn things I would actually not like it very much so it all works out. Admittedly, I am blessed with the ability to catch things at an above average rate. I'm also the kind of person who people stare at for acting really childish and weirdly. But at the same time, I am also the person people commonly call out to be the most "adult-like". I do quite enjoy having dual roles to play in my life.

What do I like? Books and music are the two top things that come to mind. I love reading, but I have slowed down over the last couple years because the internet killed my attention span. But I've been working on that and am going to try and read 50 books in 2012 as a challenge. I'm already five books in so I'm on track so far. I absolutely love Harry Potter and most recently, the Hunger Games. Other favourites are The Picture of Dorian Gray, Tuesdays with Morrie and the list goes on.

Now for the music I like. I, unfortunately, have not been blessed with an inclination to instrument playing so I am merely a listener. I lean more towards the indie genre, with a fair dose of Alternative and Folk. My favourite bands are The Hush Sound, Relient K, Owl City, Noah & The Whale.... and so on. I also really really like live gigs.

Other things I like are TV shows like Community, Big Bang Theory, New Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Bones and some others. I have been told I watch too many tv shows. Other than that, I like potatoes, collecting pins and badges, hanging out with my friends and talking. I really like talking.

Stuff I don't like : Overplayed music on radio, people that think reading is boring and people who demand respect without returning it.

Random facts: I'm short. Even by Asian standards. 5'1" yep.

Till next time then! DFTBA.


  1. Damn it! I really wanted to use a fake moustache on my photo... I was thinking of buying one just for that purpose... but it's probably funnier when a girl is using it...

    1. HAHAHA. Well you can one-up me by growing an ACTUAL moustache.

    2. No, i don't have that kind of superpower. I tried but I'm a just beard guy.

  2. I was considering going for studying psychology for quite a while. I still consider jumping the wagon occasionally (either to psychology or law). I just don't know whether it's something that really would interest me - who knows, maybe studying it isn't as interesting as I've imagined it to be! Maybe I've just concocted some sort of a fantastical image of it in my head! *flails* Yet again, they are all indoors jobs. I like the indoors.

    I quite like indie-ish music these days too. Though I reckon movie and tv-show scores still rule my music taste. :P

    And thank god, someone who also watches too much TV! Well, I never actually watch tv, but I watch tv shows! Online. So, same difference. xD

    1. Well the things we study in Psychology might just be... a little too alive for your liking. Tiny tiny problem really. Easy to overlook ;p

      Don't you have to be outdoors to study Archaeology?

      Does ANYBODY even still watch tv on tv?

    2. Once a month I turn on my TV, watch dubbed How I Met Your Mother for 5 minutes, complain, switch to some reality TV show, complain even more and then turn the TV off again for another month.

      That said, I'm a big supporter of online resources to get my TV shows :D

    3. @Sarah: HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so glad they never dub anything besides kids shows here(They once tried airing dubbed Bold And The Beautiful episodes, kinda testing the waters for it, but people were outraged and wanted the subtitled version back! And they got what they wanted. Haven't seen another attempt at that stuff again xD). I swear I would be constantly complaining and doing pretty much the same thing as you.

      ...I don't watch TV and I *still* complain about TV.

      The only thing I do watch on TV is this Finnish reality show that simply follows the every day routine of police patrols all over the country (no American-style over dramatic stuff). It can be hilarious! The cops have a sense of humour. And sometimes the random drunken people being handled can be funny too. And when the show happens to follow a patrol from my home city it's extra fun to watch xD Turns into a "recognize that drunk/ neighborhood"-game.

    4. The best dubbed show is iron chef Japan. The American dubbing is just hilarious.

      Dubbed how I met your mother sounds funny too.

  3. I know, the whole living people thing is slightly unappealing. Yet it still interests me! :U I'm drawn to it. Like a moth to a flame...flame made out of social interaction.

    Yes. The whole outdoors thing is one of the reasons I'm reconsidering my decision constantly (and why I've started to put more weight on studying museology - museums = often indoors). Especially after last summer - I worked at an excavation and nature was being an ass. It was like a miniature hell. I started to dream of a time when human kind has paved over everything with concrete or moved onto living on space stations where the most nature you'll ever see is in some bio dome used to produce oxygen and foods. I was also not wildly fond of a course on archaeological surveying.

    And believe it or not but they do! It's weird, but these people have not discovered the joys of file sharing and video streaming sites, or prefer not to use them!

    1. Spoken like a true nerd.

      At least there's a way around the outdoor setting of archaeology! Just fyi, I live in a country with a tropical climate. You hate warm summers, right? It's warm summer ALL. YEAR. LONG. And rain. Lots of that too.

      Gasp. Which rock are these people hiding under? Poor poor souls.

    2. Totally xD

      And yeah. I know. Humid AND warm, all year long, I think it would kill me or slowly turn me into an empty shell of a woman as my mind escapes my body in order to survive. My dad, who frequently vacations in Thailand, tends to make snide comments about how I should just move to the North Pole or Siberia and stay there, never straying south from Hammerfest or something. :P

    3. So you do know where Malaysia is. Huzzah for you!
      I think if you have to live here you'd get used to it eventually. Well maybe not.. but you could try. I can't bear to be in the cold. So I think we're both where we should be!

    4. We Europeans are decent at geography xD (And this is the age of Google Maps. Handy for those who are uncertain of things, like me, who for some reason kept thinking Malta, not Malaysia...don't ask why. Maybe it's just the whole island thing and 'Ma' beginning. My brain just kept screaming Malta.)

      I always argue that you can escape cold very easily (it usually even leaves you alone indoors! Unlike heat waves *shakes fist at*). You just put on more clothes, sit close to a radiator and what not. But when it comes to excessive warmth...there's not much you can do once you're naked. Unless you have access to a refrigerating room or feel like sitting in a cold shower all day long.

    5. You'd be surprised how oblivious people can be towards geography! One thing though.. Malaysia isn't considered an island. LOL.

      You have a point there! Although you could always on the air-conditioner when it gets crazy hot. How do you think we survive most of the time? :D

    6. It isn't? Wait... -looks at Wiki because is too lazy to google map- Oh! Okay. I wouldn't count that as an island anymore either nope, and the other dealy is definitely not an island either xD My bad! Malaysia has two dealies! Well would you look at that. (Look at me and my technical terms.)

      Oh yes, the air-conditioning culture! Makes sense you'd have that! See those proper air-conditioning set ups are considered a luxury item in Middle and Northern Europe, certainly in Finland - houses and apartments aren't really equipped with that stuff (well, I dunno, maybe the new houses are already, but I doubt it). Despite the fact that we suffer through heat waves during summers. I figure it's because it isn't economical to set up something so expensive when you're gonna only use it a couple of months per year. Most of the time it's cool enough to at least survive with electric ceiling or desk lamps and such. So spending for that

    7. Well in all technicality, the other dealie (east Malaysia) is on Borneo island. So half right!

      Ah are air conditioners are still expensive but probably a bit more affordable here. Its hard to do without sometimes. I've heard of air conditioners that act as heaters as well though. So it's useful throughout the year

    8. Yes, but it's only a part of the island so...still not an island, darn it! :U *is all wrong, stewing in her wrongness of wrong*

      Meh, we have other ways of heating buildings and apartments over the winter. I assume they are more practical and cheaper methods since air-conditioning is still not a thing. Reliability might be a factor too but I couldn't say...I'm not a heating expert xD I know nothing!

    9. We can pretend that it's half right. everybody feel better about it. :D

      You will have to make do with ice cream when it gets hot then!

    10. Ice cream helps nothing! Okay. Maybe it helps a little. Maybe I get addicted to it during heat waves. Maybe I also consume soda a lot...

    11. Nobody can say ice cream doesn't help. :D

  4. Nice moustache! :D

    I really want to read The Hunger Games before I watch the movie, but haven't got the books yet! I have heard a lot about them though and they sound really good.

    I totally understand the dual role thing. If i'm with the right people then I can be really childish but with another lot of people I will act all mature and grown up. Sometimes I even confuse myself as to which role I actually am/ like best.:P

    1. Thank you :)

      You really should read the books first. You have until March! It's an easy read, but it's very gripping at the same time. It can get a tad depressing at times though.

      Having dual roles means the best of both worlds! You can get along with kids AND adults. It's awesome. :D

    2. I agree with the dual role thing. It's amazing to be able to connect with everyone, no matter the age. You can always get surprised by what you'll discover.

  5. Yay for being short. 5ft3 and proud. I'm tall in my mind *shifty eyes*
