Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Argentinian Educational System

Ok, this blog is doing amazing. Clearly nerdfighters are made of awesome. I'm going to try to explain briefly how the argentinian educational system works.

At the age of 3, you enter to the jardin de infantes, which is the equivalent of your kindergarten. After that, at the age of 6, you start the primaria, which takes 7 years and gives you the more basic tools for life. Then you have to decide in which kind of secundaria you want to study. There 3 types: Bachiller (general education), Perito Mercantil (specialized in economy and accounting) and Industrial (engineering). The secundaria is 5 years long.

At the age of 18, you’re able to apply for University. First you have a year of a introductory course called CBC (Ciclo Básico Común) in which you have to approve 6 signatures related to your branch of studies. Then is when you enter to the proper career.
The Universidad is divided in Facultades, each one of this specialized in a field. Each career has a different duration and system. On each career you can get three degrees, in an order of progressive importance: Licenciatura, Master and Doctorado.
Now I’m going to start speaking about the Facultad de Medicina (Medicine) in particular, the career is 7 years, after the 4th year you start your practice at the hospitals. After that you are consider a General Doctor, then you can do a residence, in which you choose your specialization, each one has a different length. Most are between 4 and 6 years.

Education in Argentina is public, as in Austria, but with the difference that the foreigner who want to study in this country have to pay a quota. I’m in favor of free education, because I consider that being able to study is a right (as health), not a privilege. I think that everybody must be capable of studying, it doesn’t matter what is his economical or social position, which makes a more equitable society and allows social mobility.

That was my short explanation of the argentinian educational system and a little bit of my opinion on certain issues.  I’m looking forward for your articles.

Best Wishes!



  1. Yay for Latin-based languages and words that are basically the same in every language ^^

    What kind of secundaria did you attend, bachiller?

    1. *High Five*

      No, I attended to a perito mercantil, but a special one, it depends directly of the University of Buenos Aires and gives a really good general education too. And well... It has a really difficult entrance exam...
