Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Hello world"! (Tangerine's presentation)

Hi, everybody!
Well... Let's get started, shall we?
My name here is Tangerine, (which makes my first name quite obvious, actually), I'm 18 (till March), and I come from France (near Paris)!
(French the llama!) (OMG I found an orange baby llama picture! <== This is me!)

I finished high school two years ago; I'm at the moment a student in what is called in France "Classes préparatoires" (2nd year), which means that I will have to go through some competitive exams between April and July in order to become an engineer in geology. (I will get back to that during the presentation of the school system).

I'm currently studying biology, geology, physic and chemistry, plus some maths (of course). That amazing formation allows me to learn more and more about the way the world works, and that is truly amazing, a never ending wonder. In biology, for example, we saw how a cell works, divides and communicates with the body, how a plant grows and goes through the winter, how neurons work, how a tadpole becomes a frog... plus a lot of other things! It is just so interesting, fascinating, overwhelming!

Then... What do I like? My classes, obviously, learning new things, useful or not, philosophy (when I have time), and reaaaaaaaaading (and I no longer have time for that either, sadly), mostly SF and French poetry, I must say. I also love wind surfing. I'll always be in for sports, or a talk, or a dance, or a trip... you can even call me to take me see a sunset, I'll come in a hurry! I also like teaching stuff, and it seems that I can be quite good at it.
About more "nerdy" things, I like Sherlock BBC and Games of Thrones, O.S.Card and Bradbury, the Vlog Brothers and Charlieissocoollike, jmtb02's games, xkcd... and so much more!

There are not a lot of things that I dislike, but I don't like talking about celebrities just because they are known, (I never quite got the point), and I really can't stand the people that won't listen respectfully to what the other side has to say in an argument.

Fun/useless facts: People think I look like a cat, I know the first 50 decimals of pi, I speak English and French fluently, I sing a lot, and I love tickling people. =D

Well... That's it for today, then! See you next time! (And DFTBA!)

PS: I you ever notice a mistake in one of my posts, please tell me.


  1. Replies
    1. I started around Christmas, I'm working towards 200. :D
      (But I had to slow down a bit, since my studies are becoming quite hard, with the competitive exams coming.)

    2. It's quite easy, actually. There's a song called "Pi song", and since I'm a musician (been in a choir for some time), I've just had to learn it. ^^ I'm sure you could do the same (but it's totally useless, I agree).

    3. As much as I love maths, and I love maths, how can knowing pi to 50 decimal places be vaguely useful? Or maybe that really isn't the point ...

    4. Well... I thought I had made it clear that it's totally useless XD
      I just like knowing that sequence, and since pi is such an important number, knowing it is kind of like knowing a magic formula, see?
      And it's great to train my memory, too. Besides, I like learning totally useless things.

  2. I'm mildly disappointed you didn't yell out "FIRST!" at any part of your post. xD I mean...just look at the opportunity! It's all shiny and golden!

    You know 50 decimals of pi, I know that the French stole the idea of neck ties from Croatian soldiers, and how many times Bonobos mate in a face to face position out of their multiple mating times on average (Oh I can't remember what it out of three times? Something like that.). Hooray for useless knowledge, pwning the useful one in every situation!

    Also, tickling people seems like a rather risky thing to like. I see a black eye or two in your future! :U Wear a helmet!

    1. I totally agree with you: Hurray for useless knowledge!

      But I just love tickling people: it's the same as bungee jumping, it's the risks that make it thrilling! ^^ (And besides, I love taking people by surprise). Sadly, I don't have a helmet head.

      I thought about the First thing, but I'm waiting for the New Year, when we'll all be used to the blog! (Besides, that's gonna be fun, since we're all from different time-zones).

    2. Just want to jump on the bandwagon of useless knowledge: I know that Hugo Boss originally designed Nazi uniforms.....

    3. @Millie: ok -that- is an awesome fact!

    4. Adidas produced boots for nazis too...

    5. Somehow I'm not as impressed by that fact as the Hugo Boss one. I'm not sure why. Maybe boots are not as impressive as whole uniforms. Maybe it was just the initial enlightening realization that "of course! Someone had to be the one to design those things! Oh my god that company still exist!" ... xD

    6. But maybe you're going to be impressed by the fact that Puma's founder (Rudolf Dassler) was the brother of Adidas' one (Adolf Dassler), both were member of the Nazi party. And Rudolf revealed a lot of information about his brother to the allies, during the invasion, to save himself. Well, there are version of Rudolf being not that closer to the Nazi ideology as Adolf but he was part of the same company so... it's just a lame attemp to vindicate him.
      And by the way, I just forget to mention that they produce bazookas for the Nazis too, i say the boots thing because we were speaking of SS apparel. (yeah, small details)

    7. You are right. That's a good one again!

  3. I'm scared of Llamas, but this one is just super cute :D

    1. Well, thank you!
      If we ever do gatherings, I will have to come as a super cute llama! XD

    2. And i'll come with a super cute real llama... cause we have wild llamas in argentina, F-Yeah!

      I'm going to need a company who let me board a animal on a plane XD

    3. Boy, internet must be somewhat scary for you, with all the llama craze that's been going on for the last few years :U

    4. Ey Lucas, if you come with a llama then I won't come! :D

    5. Oh my! Did you see? I'm a secret llama! (I'm so happyyyy!) Hope I won't scare you then!

  4. Bonjour! Je suis heureux que j'ai une victime avec lequelle je peux pratiquer mon francais!

    Je parlais francais depuis l'ecole primaire - depuis neuf ans maintennant, si j'ai fait le maths(?) correctement. Malheureusement, les australiens (en general, pas moi!) ne fait pas beaucoup d'attention aux autres langues, et alors c'est seuelement dans les derniers trois ans que j'ai devenu seulement 'assez mal' en lieu de 'totalement inutile.'.

    C'est clair que ton anglais est meillieur que mon francais (ton anglais est vraiment excellent) et j'espere que tu ne me detesterais pas pour mon massacre de ton (j'assume que je peux vous tutoyer?) belle langue. :P

    1. It's funny how my french is good enough to understand that text and a lot of other things... but too rusty to write or speak anything in that language...

    2. Well, reading and speaking are stored on totally different parts of your brain, so it's normal to be able to do one and not the other. There was a French guy at my school who could speak perfect French, but almost failed because he could barely read or write it.

      Then there's the fact that you already speak a Latin-based language. While the similarities between French and Spanish are less than those between say, Spanish and Italian, it still makes it easier to pick out things like common word roots and *understand* something, while not necessarily being able to speak it.

      And that's what happens if you bring up language in front of a Linguistics student.

    3. when I was learning French and Spanish they definitely supported each other. Too bad I dropped both languages. I was more sad about French...I only dropped that one because the teacher sucked.

    4. My French teacher in school also sucked... big times. Almost the whole class failed French...

      But I do understand what you wrote! I find it quite easy to understand texts in foreign languages if you know at least a few basics and of course if you already speak one or two or even more Latin-based languages.

    5. Yeah, my french teacher at school also sucked... but I always had some issues with french... In fact, I went to France by an student exchange and i spoked all the time in a mixture of french and english XD.

      Anyway, I'm planning on taking french classes on an institute, if I find the time... but japanese also always tempted me...

      (by the way, I hate prepositions in english...)

    6. Well well well... That's not bad! (Tell me if you want me to correct your mistakes.) I understood all of it, and yes, tu peux me tutoyer. Actually, please do. :D

      By the way, if anyone wants to practice French with me on skype, tell me so. I'll be glad to chat/write with you!

  5. I would totally call you to go see a sunset! If we lived anywhere near each other! :D

    1. And I would totally come! That would be soooo amazing! If we ever meet IRL, we should do that!
