Sunday, January 29, 2012

Marie Introduces Herself

'Ello! I'm Marie and I'm from Vermont in the US, where there is plenty of maple syrup to go around and you're more likely to get stuck in traffic on a country road because of a tractor than rush hour on the highway. I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but I moved here about six years ago and decided to attend a small college about an hour from home. I do like it here, but it's just like living in a small town...everyone knows everyone and they all know your business, whether you want them to or not. Anything interesting is about 20 minutes away and I happen to be the broke friend with a car, relying on other people to give me gas money if they want to go anywhere.

I went into college with a major in Spanish Language & Literature, but they added a new Global Studies program that suits me much better. I love Spanish, but my interests are broad and this major allows me to take history, literature, economics, and a lot of other kinds of classes. For personal reasons, I decided not to double major and keep Spanish as a minor, which I have nearly completed.

The Global Studies major is exciting to me because it allows so much room to learn about the world. My general concentration within the major is culture, my regional concentration being Europe (which does not please the head of the Spanish department >.> ). I love learning about different cultures and getting to see the world from a different perspectives, which is probably why I found this blog idea so interesting. Travel is an important part of my life, and while I've been to many states in the US, I've only been to a few other countries (England, Wales, Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland). I would really love to travel all around the world, despite the fact that I'm a bit of an anglophile and am determined to use my mandatory study abroad as an opportunity to return to London.

As for what I want to do with my life concerning a career...the only thing I'm sure of is that it takes me to new places. I'm the kind of person who can't stay in one place for too long without getting incredibly restless. I've moved quite a bit in my 20 years so I'm used to leaving things behind for a new life. Wanderlust seizes hold and refuses to let go, even once I get to a new place. I imagine that sitting in an office for five years would drain any interest I have in the world...

Anywho, I play the flute in marching & spirit band, both of which take up a lot of time. I love it though, because our band is small enough (40-50 people) that we're like a family. There is plenty of drama, but in the end band is our support system on campus and we have so much fun.

Beyond traveling and playing the flute, I also enjoy reading, writing, and learning other languages. It have always love reading and for the past couple years I've been trying to keep a list of all the books I read (5 so far this month). I have an addiction to buying books on Amazon, so I tend to have far too many books in my dorm room than can fit on my bookshelf, with nowhere to put them at home. At this point, I think I have somewhere between 250-300 books lying around >.> As for writing, I've attempted novels, but I never finish them. I mostly write short stories, anywhere from half a page to ten. There's something about a story without any context, without a resolution, that's just so fun to write. And of course, my love of words extends to languages other than English. I am currently at an intermediate level in Spanish, fairly decent at reading and writing but terrified of speaking. I know bits and pieces of other languages, though nowhere near enough to have a conversation. I've taken a semester of Arabic which I really loved, but was unable to continue unless I could pay quite a bit of extra money for an overloaded course schedule. At the moment I have a particular interest in learning Latin, though it isn't offered here.

Some TV shows I enjoy: BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, Daria, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, Boy Meets World, Charmed, Degrassi

My favorite books/series/authors: Harry Potter, John Green, Maureen Johnson, The Mortal Instruments, Wicked Lovely, Tamora Pierce, Jaclyn Moriarty, Charles Dickens, George Orwell

I believe that covers quite a bit of ground, so I shall end my introduction here.


PS: I apologize if this is in any way disjointed and doesn't flow well...I wrote this while having a fever. Also, I am not actually a gnome.


  1. I'm not so convinced that you're not a gnome ...

  2. You're not actually a gnome? That's disappointing.

  3. Well, I am short. I don't have a beard though...

  4. Maybe you should aim to grow a bear this year then :)

  5. by bear I mean beard. Although growing a bear would be good too :)

  6. Haha it would really be something if I could pull off growing a beard, and definitely interesting if I figured out how to grow a bear =P

  7. Bien, por fin!... alguien que habla español.... *happy dancing all over the place*

    1. ¿Dónde está mi cerveza?

      And that's it with my Spanish knowledge...

    2. It's a good question to know in every language possible...

  8. Whether you're a gnome or not, hope you feel better! Also Boy Meets World is AMAZING! It's my go-to show when I'm stressed out. Never gets old.

  9. Pero estoy nerviosa para escribir en españ perfeccionista.

    Perhaps this could be a way to improve...I'm not taking Spanish this semester, so I need to practice somehow. I just don't want to mess up and sound like an idiot =P

  10. Haha thanks, Caroline! And yes, Boy Meets World always makes me feel better.

  11. Viste lo que es mi escritura en Ingles? No te preocupes, lo vas a hacer bien y de no ser asi, solo yo te voy a entender y mantendre silencio. Por cierto, puede ser el código para nuestra alianza super peluda, luego yo le hablo a Tangerine en mi muy basico frances... Nadie va se va a dar cuenta hasta que sea demasiado tarde... (Insert evil genius laugh)

  12. El poder de la barrera idiomática! Me gusta mucho...

  13. More Gilmore Girls appreciation! Hooray! And Daria! And oh my word, Charmed too! Charmed was my favorite show when I was younger. It's the reason I have a horrible username that I hate on Deviantart! xD

    Also, I feel for ya on the small-town-everyone-knows-everyone's-business thing. Boy do I know how that feels. It's even worse when you happen to live in a neighborhood with mainly retired old people who have nothing better to do that stare at you, without shame, and complain because of ridiculous reasons...

    1. I used to watch Charmed every day when I was younger XD I hated the last seasons though...

    2. I hated them too. ESPECIALLY the one where Kaley Cuoco, Billie, came into the picture. Although the show already plummeted long before her.

    3. I like any episode with Paige in it because she's my favorite, though I loved Prue because she was basically me, just much older.

      as far as small towns go, ughhhhh. Retired old people. They need hobbies =P

    4. I was a Piper fan xD So for me the show was down hill since Prue died, 'cept for all things involving Piper. Well, the pregnancy/babiesbabiesbabiesandfuturebabies thing and the Leo and her breaking up thing and that drama annoyed me in the later was fun when she got her kickass second power though!

      And yes. They do. Big time.

  14. People in movies always go to Vermont, don't they?

    I'm also an Amazon Anonymous, damn you free shipping! I have a lot of unread books lying around, many of them that I just *needed* to have, but then never felt like reading them. I also keep a list of book I've read :)

    1. Also on Friends, Monica told Ross that Joey wanted to change his money to Vermont money, because he wanted to leave the country. xD

    2. Ahaha yesss, the only time I ever heard of Vermont before moving here was on TV. I was a melodramatic teenager at the time and it was literally the end of the world, complete with lit candles, Evanescence, and curling up on the floor the night before I moved. Because really, it was this foreign, entirely non-magical place that only existed when people when to B&Bs on TV.

      Yay! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with an addiction >.>

  15. If Marie grows bears, and Lucas is possibly a bear, where does that leave us?

    1. well Marie only grows Face Bears. If Lucas is a bear attached to someone's face, THEN we could kick around the suspicion that Lucas is Marie-grown.

    2. I'm an independant bear... I left my mother's face a long time ago XD

    3. you are clearly not a Face Bear. Face Bears cannot survive unless they are attached to a face.


    5. I don't even know how I'm growing these face bears, but as long as I can pet them without getting bitten, I can dig it.

    6. Ahhh the joys of making a typo on here! My opinion on the matter is that Marie is infinitesimal, so she make and do all things, and therefore has grown Lucas on her face, and made him forget this ever happened. The powers of Marie!

  16. Hmmm I like this, I like it very much. Ali, is there anything you want? Because if I can do things like grow Lucas on my face, I'm sure I could do something for you. You know, since it was your typo that led us here =P

  17. Maybe you could grow me a house on your face. However I'm guessing one of those is a lot harder to grow. Just taking into the sheer size and weight. But you know. Surprise me ;)
