Sunday, January 29, 2012

Caroline's Intro

Hello everyone!

I’m Caroline, and I’m from Wisconsin, US – land of abundant dairy products, political protests, and awful Midwestern accents.   I’m currently a student at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, which I completely love.  I grew up in a small rural village – I know you all are picturing horses and buggies right now, but a more accurate mental picture would involve corn fields and rich old women clinging to their police scanners so that they can gossip about all the latest drama. 

Needless to say, enrolling in a large university provided a much-needed change of pace.  While the classes here can be very competitive and require a lot of effort, there’s always a ton of fun stuff going on.  I’ve gone to some massive Halloween parties, participated in one of the world’s largest snowball fights, attended a speech by the US president, and still had plenty of time/space to relax and be a bit of an introvert.  Plus our University has a Yule Ball before Christmas vacation.  A legitimate Goblet-of-Fire-esque Yule Ball.  How could anyone NOT love this place?  I wouldn’t trade my little hometown for anything, but it’s nice to escape the fishbowl feeling of small town life and swim around in a big pond for once.  Also, small towns do not have Super Targets.  Oh American consumerism…

Another fact about me: I’m 21 years old (seriously, true story).  I realize that due to my short stature, round face, and unwillingness to give up my collection of brightly-colored headbands, I look about 15.  Middle-aged adults are constantly telling me that I’ll appreciate my youthful appearance when I am older, but honestly, when I’m enjoying delicious Chinese food for half price because the staff has accidently given me the kids’ discount, I have no problem appreciating it at this age too.

I’m going to school for Psychology and Communication Disorders.  I chose psychology because, in short, our brains are just so weird and complicated!  I love learning why we do the things we do.  I chose communication disorders because I knew it would allow me to work with kids, which is something I really enjoy.  The program is focused around helping people with speech and hearing problems, and I hope to eventually become either a school speech pathologist or a pediatric audiologist (ear doctor).  I still have a year or two to decide, but I’m leaning toward audiology, only because all of the controversy and new technology in the field never ceases to amaze me. 
When I’m not studying, I can usually be found watching my favorite YouTubers, reading my never-ending pile of books, writing, ice skating, learning guitar, listening to music, or hanging out with friends.  I also love playing piano - while I used to play mostly classical pieces, I have recently taken to playing more contemporary music and/or poorly-transcribed Ben Folds covers.  Classy, I know.  

I also really like dance (tap, in particular), anything Harry Potter, and watching TV (Arrested Development, Glee, Flight of the Conchords, Gilmore Girls, BBC’s Sherlock, The Office, and Grey’s Anatomy are some of my favorites).  Recently I’ve been babysitting to earn a little extra money, too.

Some things I don’t like are parallel parking and bugs of the house-invading variety (I’m looking at you, box elders)

Other Random Facts About Me: 
   -I love watching old movies that are awesomely terrible.  ‘Plan 9 From Outer Space’ is the best; it’s full of inadvertently hilarious quotes. 
   -I have an adorable dog and a cat that I miss all the time when I’m away at school. 
   -I also have one older brother and four younger step-siblings ranging in age from 13 to 19.  Whenever I go home, I feel like I’ve accidently entered an ABC Family teen drama.   
   -My New Year’s resolution was to write more.  I think this is a step in the right direction. 

And I think that’s about it.  Sorry if this introduction was long and all over the place.  I’ve loved reading everyone’s posts so far and can’t wait to see where this project goes!  Farewell for now and DFTBA!


  1. I also look like 15 - I know that because I was lately asked for ID when I was buying wine, and you only need to be 16 to buy wine.
    I guess at some point we *will* be happy about it, but for now it's annoying (and sometimes useful, like you said, for the kiddy discount).

    And yeah, parallel parking - hate it. I just don't do it, period :D

    1. Wow, we have to be 21 to buy wine! But I get carded for Rated-R movies, and the age for that is 17, so we're in the same boat. Definitely does get annoying.

      And I don't think I've actually parallel parked in a year. Glad I'm not the only one who avoids it at all costs.

  2. I also look a lot younger than my actual age. Someone told me two months ago that I must be "around 14". My friends, on the contrary, think I'm about their age, meaning 22/23... That's quite a wide range, but I think it reflects who I am. Maybe for you too? The other's estimation reflecting a part of your identity's reality?

    Can you work with kids suffering from autism? (I don't quite know if it's considered as a speech problem, but it's a communication one, isn't it?)

    1. Yeah it definitely reflects my identity, for sure... which is a good thing, I think.

      And yes! Autism is a huge part of Com. Dis., and one of the major reasons the field is growing! I'm not sure if I'd want to take that path or not... I've worked with autistic kids in the past, and that takes some SERIOUS patience.

  3. I love how many Sherlockians there are on this blog.

    I have pets too! i have two cats, a boy and a girl. Fawkes (named after Guy Fawkes because he looks like he's wearing a mask) and Lucy (I didn't name her, she came with a name. But as my roommate pointed out, it's probably short for Lucifer)

    1. I didn't even realize so many people watched Sherlock! I just discovered it a couple weeks ago, and I'm totally addicted.

      And Fawkes is seriously an awesome name for a cat. I wish I could have named my pets something creative... my dog came with the name Smarttie, which is decieving, since he acts like a real-life incarnation of Dug from the Pixar film "Up."

    2. I have cats too! :D One male cat called Topi and a older female cat that doesn't really have a name because my uncle ruined it for me by saying it sounded like slang for lactose intolerance. We just refer to her as Girl, Old Missus or Big Kitty. :P

    3. And the internet believes in Sherlock! ^^
      I sadly don't have a cat. :(

    4. I love Moriarty too! Except that he tries to kill Sherlock and stuff.

    5. Sherlock is my current favourite show online right now. And Moriarty is awesome. I totally changed my ringtone to Stayin' Alive.

    6. I totally need to do that too *-*

    7. Moriarty gives me the creeps.

  4. The fun thing about looking young is getting ID. However even though I look really young, I never get ID'd whilst as uni as they assume you're a student so over 18.
    Also don't worry about the long post, it's great to start to get to know you :)

  5. Oh, speech pathologist... I've always found communication disorders really interesting.
    When I'm shaved, they always me for my ID. Damn it!

    You say Wisconsin and the first thing that I think is in That 70s Show XD

    1. Haha! I remember watching that show as a kid JUST so I could yell out the "HELLO WISCONSIN" along with Ashton Kutcher during the credits.

    2. I have to admit, That 70's Show (and the "HELLO WISCONSIN!") was the first thing that popped into my head at the mention of Wisconsin too... xD

  6. Fellow Psychology major!

    I look 15 too. People never take me seriously because of that. Sob.

  7. It's okay to write long posts here! Write a novel if you feel like it! ;D

    I'm a person who once upon a time had to get an ID to prove I'm UNDERaged...I think that was at the age of 14. I wanted my cheaper train tickets and such, dammit!

    And boy am I familiar with rural town gossip, I've lived in a small town a large part of my life. There they didn't need police scanners... They just stared out the window, stood on their little yards and stared, went through your trash, prodded your mail box if they felt like it. Or just hear things from someone who heard things from someone who heard things from someone and it was magically all true and involved no "purple monkey dishwasher"s.

    Also, I challenge you to write an entry about a real day in your life with your sisters, but written like it was a script for a ABC family drama.
