Monday, January 30, 2012

Caro's very late introduction

Hello everyone!

So, I'm the one who is not very adapt to new internet technology and had quite some problems figuring out a gmail and then figuring out how to blog on blogger.
I hope that I will managed to get to the bottom of this soon.

My name on here shall be caro. I am apparently the grandma here and currently a fifth year student at a German university with about two more years to go.

I study to be a teacher and my subjects are Education/Pedagogy (of course) and History, English as well as Religious Studies (these are the subjects I will teach).
Why teaching? I started out at university on a regular bachelor degree in English. I liked it, but soon I noticed that something was missing. I had always spent  much time with children at youth. I led weekly children's groups, was a camp couselor... the wohle nine yards. And I missed that. So I switched to a teaching degree. At first I was sure that I would never end up in a school, but now I can't wait to do just that.
In regard to my subjects I am probably most excited about teaching History. It is so important that students get a firm grasp on the concept of history and it is a great subject to talk about current events and how quite a few of these are rooted in the past. I strongly believe that you can only understand modern politics completely if you know a thing or two about history.

What do I like?
Nerdy stuff is the obvious answer, but that seems to broad.
Books. Reading is one of my favorite past times. This year I challenged myself to read fifty books, it really did not seems like much, but after one month and only two books finished, it starts to actually look like a challenge.
My favorite books right now: Harry Potter (duh!) and To kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)

I also love to travel and being abroad. I went to school in three different countries (although the vast majority of my school time was spent in Germany) and also studied abroad while at university. Why not jump at the chance to see somewhere new if it chance arises? That could be my motto. Right now I have no trips planned, a situation that has not occured for at least three years and that is therefore quite unsettling.
My favorite travel destinations right now: USA and Eastern Europe.

Music is another favorite. I'm not very good at it but that does not hinder me to enjoy making and listening to it. It also makes up a large part of the nerdy stuff...
Current favorites: Chameleon Circuit, Bon Iver and all things musical theatre.

The nerdy things: Sci-Fi in written, televised or moving picture form, Doctor Who, a host of TV-series, artsy films and online-newspapers and writing.

That's it from me for now. The semester is drawing to a close and that means studying. Time to hit the books.


P.S.: I sneakyly moved my introduction back two days, thus not interupting all the truly wonderful information about school systems... Hehe.



  1. Welcome! I'm also doing a 50 book challenge this year. I've gotten to 5 books already but I'm bound to fall behind as I get busier with classes

    1. I read 11 books last year, so a 50 books challenge seems really impossible to me... except I read 50 books like TFiOS, but that's unlikely :D

    2. That's why it's a challenge :P
      I don't even have 50 books for me to read just yet... but we'll take it one week at a time.

      You can do a fifteen book challenge instead of a 50!

    3. Oh, that's a very good idea!

    4. I usually read very quickly and so 50 books should not be a problem, but I've been swamped with course work in January. I hope to read more once I have everything sorted out.
      And I agree with millie: I doesn't matter how many books you read. Just set a goal somewhere and work towards that.

  2. How the hell did I miss this entry? I'm baffled! Was it really always there? Really? Goddammit! Anyways...

    "I strongly believe that you can only understand modern politics completely if you know a thing or two about history."

    I agree with this whole-heartedly. It became very apparent to me during upper secondary that if you understand history and a nice amount of social studies behind you, you will have an easier time understanding what you see on the news etc. I had a great history teacher in upper secondary and I miss her a lot. She also taught social studies and philosophy, so boy did I feel like she was the most knowledgeable of the bunch there. The amount of understanding towards the modern world those subjects (especially history and social studies) provided combined...well, you get the point. xD I will stop gushing now.

    What countries did you study in, besides Germany? And what TV shows do you like? (I do not accept a vague "host of tv series" answer!)

    1. Well, I did sneak my entry back a liitle. Didn't want to interupt all the talk about education systems.

      I also had an amzing history teacher in high school, who opened a whole new world to me.

      I went to school in the US for a bit and studied in Poland.

      As for TV shows my first love will always be Stargate SG-1 with Firefly as a close second. Recently it's been Doctor Who and Torchwood for inspiring television and Glee, as my guilty pleasure *ducks head*. Everyone needs one of those.

    2. Yush, Stargate SG-1! (to me there are no Stargate spin-offs >> They do not exist) (also yay at Firefly and Doctor Who too!)

      You could have far worse guilty pleasures than Glee xD You could like Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I liked Glee for a short period of time but then Jane Lynch's awesomness wasn't enough to get me to watch the show anymore so I deserted it. Fairly fast. Oh well. :P

  3. Where in Germany are you from?
