Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's me, Rocky!

Ahoy there, mateys.

Who are ya?
My name’s Rocky, which is short for Rockwell. (Yes, there’s a story behind that name. One day I might even tell it.) I’m 19 years old, and I’m studying a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Western Australia.

Whatcha studyin’?
I’m double-majoring in Communcation studies (which, in Australia, is more like media/film/journalism studies - I’m told in the US especially Comms is more about rhetoric and speeches) and Linguistics, although the latter might well change. I’ve taken Classics, economics, and Français as electives. It was a toss-up between this course and Astrophysics - I chose the one with less maths and marginally more career prospects. Not being in the northern hemisphere like (almost) everyone else, I’ll be starting my second year in February.

Why’re you here?
Perth is the most isolated major city in the world. It’s expensive to fly out of, and boring to fly into, which earns it the nickname ‘Dullsville’. While this isn’t entirely fair (I love it... well, I don’t hate it.), any contact with them foreign types is difficult to come by. I’ve always been vaguely envious of people with friends overseas, so you guys are my shot at being one of those people.

Whaddaya like?
I’m a big fan of space, and space exploration, and astronomy (which I’ve been meaning to get properly ‘in to’ for a while). I read boatloads of books, especially classics (I once read Great Expectations in one weekend, although it was for a Lit class. I don’t recommend it. Reading it in a weekend, that is.). I’m on a fantasy hit at the moment, so if you have any recommendations let me know. Since everyone’s including it, I’ve yet to read TFioS (no spoilers please?). I like Doctor Who, Firefly and (don’t judge me) Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. I like too many movies to list. I don’t listen to a lot of music, mostly comedy stuff like Tripod and Weird Al. I’m an archer, though not a brilliant one. I can program a little and I use Linux, throwing me in the deeper end of the nerd pool.

Where else do you internet?
My wobsite:
My blag:
My (rarely updated) Twatter: @rockym93
My (even more rarely updated) YowTube:

What’re you gonna do here?
That depends on what we decide! I’ll probably be the one guy posting when everyone else has exams (and vice versa), because I live in the wrongbest hemisphere. I’d also like an excuse to post campus-based shenanigans - pranks and stuff - so maybe some of that? Who knows?



  1. Okay, I consider myself introduced. Since it's about 3am here, I'm going to sleep now.

  2. The Sword of Damocles is hangin' over my head
    And I've got the feelin' someone's gonna be cuttin' the thread
    Oh! Woe is me! My life is a misery
    And can't you see
    That I'm at the start of a pretty big downer...

    Sorry, I felt obliged...

  3. I use linux too! Do you speak French yet?
    I'll give you some fantasy titles if you want, but I'm more of a SciFi reader. Well, gonna get back to work, sadly.

  4. Another archer? We have our personal army!

    I see on your website that you play Minecraft, that's cool! I play too, but only occasionally and not with other people... I suck pretty much :D

  5. Yush! Another person who likes Firefly!

    I'm not big on high/medieval/traditional fantasy, but there's one trilogy I read when I was younger and I remember liked it. The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay. It's been a looooooong time since I read this trilogy but I remember it has unnecessary nudity and sex in it...which I blissfully only skimmed through so I could get to what I considered to be the good stuff. xD Maybe that would be a good read.

    Also, you should know I laughed at Fact #1 on the latest entry of your blog.

  6. Rockwell might be the coolest first name ever. Just throwing that out there.

    1. I agree. It's like... a manly punch in the hairy gut after downing a shot of whiskey and wrestling a bear while wearing a monocle!

    2. And don't forget training in the middle of siberia to fight against evil stalinist giants...

  7. @Sterling I've read the Fionavar Tapestry too! It's also Canadian :)

    And Firefly is wicked.

    On the topic of Fantasy Books.... if you haven't gotten around to it A Song of Ice and Fire is pretty wicked and then there is David Eddings.

    1. Oh my, never before have I met another person who has even heard of The Fionavar Tapestry! \o/

    2. You should check A song of Ice and Fire... It's a clear reflection of the Canadian political situation and history, right, Alexandra?

    3. I got A Game of Thrones for Christmas, and my god does the author love killing major characters. It's worse because of how well-written they are.

      I'll have to hunt down this Fionvar Tapestry. Sounds like just my kind of book.

      If anyone wants a recommendation in return, The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss is amazing.

    4. Exactly! Lucas and I were having a discussion of the North being a wonderful reflection of the Canadian Political System. Winter was coming, and now it's here!

      But seriously, the books are awesome, and so is the Fionavar Tapestry. I love how it draws on so many mythologies and the Arthurian Stories. And I am a sucker for my Arthurian Stories. I took a course last year dedicated to Arthur. It was a lot of fun.

      Other fantasy books.... Ummmm

      Well it's kind of fantasy, but it's more kind of urban/mythology stuff but Monkey Beach by Eden Robinson is amazing, and so is Garth Nix's Abhorsen Trilogy.

  8. *waves at you* I'll be your foreign friend!
    Looking forward to finding out the meaning behind your name ...

  9. I've been to Perth. It wasn't that boring. But then again I was like 7. There were swans and fish and chips. It was enough for me.
