Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hi! (Matthew's Introductory post)

Hey everybody!

My name is Matthew (or Matt, that’s what my friends call me, so you can call me Matt J) and I’m 21 years old. I’m from New Hampshire in the United States, but most of my high school years my family and I lived on a military base on Kwajalein, an island in the Marshall Islands. We’re not a military family my dad just got a job out there. If you have no clue where that the Marshall Islands are, they’re in the middle of the Pacific Ocean near the Equator about halfway between Hawaii and Australia. My family moved back to the US about a year and a half ago.

Right now, I’m a student at Knox College in the state of Illinois. I’m in my third year of college, junior year, and I’m studying philosophy primarily with a side focus on history and religious studies. I’ve also taken creative writing classes.

Why study philosophy, history and religious studies? I love to think and imagine. I enjoy thinking about philosophical issues and how they relate to ethics, politics, history and religious beliefs. Knox is also a small school and I really love it.

I’m a writer. I hope to become an author someday (John Green is a huge inspiration to me). I’m currently working on a fantasy novel/series about a boy named Aaron and his sister Katrina that is based heavily on the Norse myth of Ragnarok, but it’s still my own interpretation and it’s not a carbon copy of the original myth. I also have tons of other ideas I want to work on. Haha.

I also run another blog, probably not as faithfully as I should, but anyway… if you want to look at that go here: . I wrote a review of The Fault in Our Stars which you might particularly enjoy.

Some of the things I like to do when I’m not thinking about or talking/debating about philosophy with friends or writing: Watching online videos: Vlogbrothers and Yugioh the Abridged series are my two favorites, but Scishow, Crashcourse, and Hankgames are right up there as well. I read a lot, mostly fantasy and sci-fi but I do read other genres as well. I loved The Fault in Our Stars of course. I watch the news a lot but I also love a lot of TV shows and movies. I’m obsessed with Doctor Who and Merlin! I listen to music a lot while I work (lots of Hank Green songs of course!). I play video games. I also do a lot of role-playing, mostly D&D probably my favorite activity apart from writing. Other than that I love just spending time with my friends and girlfriend, who is also a nerdfighter (yay for nerdfighterlike!).

Things I dislike: Anything to do with increasing world-suck, serious arguments and tension, and rap.

Random facts about me: I’m ginger and left-handed.

I think that’s pretty much it about me for now. Welcome to this new blog! I’m really excited about it and can’t wait to see it grow and get the chance to get to know you and lots more nerdfighters. So have a great day and, as always, DFTBA!



  1. *google maps Marshall Islands* Oh there!

    1. Yeah, it's in the suburbs of the middle of nowhere. haha

  2. Oheeeey! *fellow-lefty highfive*

    Did you participate in NaNoWriMo in November? I started working on a novel for fun during that, and though I didn't get to 50 000 in 30 days (who am I kidding, I wasn't even trying), it did gave me a reason to start the story in the first place so I'm happy. I'm pretty proud I've been able to stick with it since then. It's pretty much a crime novel with some politics involved, the main character being a female homicide detective.

    Also, I too enjoy YGOTAS! Though lately Little Kuriboh hasn't been that active with new's almost like he was mainly posting convention ads on his channel these days.

  3. Hey! *fellow-lefty highfive*

    I was too busy with school to participate this passed year, but I participated and got to 50,000 words in 2010. :)
    It's ok, it's a ton of work. It was really hard for me because I have huge problems getting out of the editing while writing mode. It's a problem. haha Just keep at it. Writing is 90% stubbornness, 5% talent and 5% editing. It's an achievement just to start so good job, and good luck! Your story sounds cool. :)

    I know he needs to get better about making episodes instead of so many side videos. They're fun, but the reason I started watching was the episodes. I'm pretty sure nine episodes have been made since I started watching maybe three years ago... but I think a new episode is coming out on Feb. 6th so at least there's that.

    1. Oh yes. Novembers, it seems, are always busy for me, last year was no exception. But I figured starting a story nonetheless couldn't hurt. :P

      Ah, the editing mode problem. I just usually have the problem that I see these awesome scenes in my head, possibly an ending or a beginning for the story - or both - but I can't come up with the stuff in between them. The actual story, a plot, development. xD It's why I haven't really bothered writing fiction in private at all in a long while. I only did play-by-post RPing (essentially collaborative writing and acting come together). The rest of my problems with writing are pretty much related to my perfectionism I'd say...

      Here's for hoping that the new ygotas episode will be a good one! It's been soooo long since the last one! :U

    2. Nope it can't. :)

      I have that problem sometimes too. The middle just seems like such a huge ocean of scariness. :) That's the part I'm working through now. I've done some D&D play by posts with friends who are far away, but they never got far before people stopped posting. *sigh*

      Yes and yes!

    3. Yush, play-by-post RPing is awesome fun! Been doing it for over 5 years now, I think. Never tried table top RPs, but, oh well, I'm content with the forum RPing. xD

    4. And having fun is the whole point so go for it! :)

    5. Roleplaying by Skype?
      I've never played D&D but I love playing Call of Cthulhu.

  4. Studying philosophy? That must be fascinating. I'm thinking about taking philosophy classes after my graduation, cause I really don't have time for it right now.
    Who are the philosophers you like most?

    1. Yeah, the only problem is that different classes often cover the same philosophers a lot. Like Descartes, who I don't like very much, no offense to him. You should totally do that though! Philosophy is so awesome and helpful for giving you perspectives in how people think and view the world and how it may be different than the way you do.

      I really like David Hume. He was a Scottish philosopher in the 18th century I think. I also like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle; the big kahunas. Bertrand Russell, Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, the list goes on and on. haha

      I try to base my opinion on a philosopher on how interesting their ideas are rather than whether or not I agree with them. I'll definitely be making posts about some of these guys.

    2. I'll be looking forward to reading your posts.

    3. I'm looking forward to writing them!

  5. Someone else who loves Merlin?! This is very good indeed! I adore Merlin and yet seem to be the only one out of all my friends who like it! :S

    1. I'm all for the Merlin. Also Bradley James has got a bit of nom going on :)

    2. Go to Tumblr! Everone on Tumblr loves Merlin! And Sherlock!

    3. Why?!? It's so awesome! :)

      I admit James is an attractive guy.

  6. I think it's amazing that you're writing a book! It sounds wonderful, I really admire people who attempt to tackle a project like that!

    1. Thanks so much! I really love writing! It's a lot of fun for me and has been for a long time.
