Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bare Necessities (Lucas' Introduction)

"Hola, muchachos". I answer to the name Lucas, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
 You know that large country close to Chile, the one with the miners trapped. I'm currently studying
Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires but I'm thinking of changing to Biology (to specialize myself
in Biotechnoly). I love science in general (biology and chemistry in particular). So i knew that
i needed to study something related with living creatures and i always found human anatomy amazing, i remember going to the morgue of the hospital with my uncle (who is a physician) and watching each organ, It was awesome. My problem is that i'm a person who is always interested in EVERYTHING, I think that every career is amazing; luckily, some more than others.
Taking up the issue, I've been reading a lot about bio-tech advances lately and I'm too excited about it.
Also I checked the Biology's program and It's moresuitable for my plans, not because it's easier, because
it's better organized... medicine has a lot of burocratic issue (annual courses, correlativities between
them) and I really want to start working this year, I need to finance some travel plans. On the other hand,
I'm going to miss the anatomy class and touching corpses (Yeah, Creepy guy FTW!)

Things that i like... I truly deeply love traveling. Last summer(Your winter, yeah! I'm talking to you, north hemisphere people),
 I was in the USA (East coast: NYC, Miami,Orlando, Philadelphia and Boston) and the summer before I did a student exchange
in France, after that i backpack through a part of Europe (England, Italy, Holland, Spain, Germany). Well, I don't know why I'm
telling you this, but the point is that i love the freedom and the excitation of knowing new places. My plan for next year is
traveling to either Australia or Canada. And also, i love learning languages.

Hobbies... well, I like to read a lot. I haven't read a John Green's book yet (I know I'm a failure as a nerdfighter, they aren't
published in my country but I ordered Papertowns and TFiOS on Amazon, so I'm going to read those soon). My favourite authors are
Douglas Adams, Jane Austen, Herman Melville, José Saramago, John Steinbeck, Osvaldo Soriano... It's so difficult to choose favourite things...
I'm also a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes stories and Arthurian Mitology (The Vulgate Cycle is an incredible way to see the medieval way of thinking)
And also I have a great affection for Harry Potter because I grew up reading those books, but i'm not into the fan circuit (on the other hand, one
of the "few" things i buy at USA was an replica of Sirius Black's Wound, F-YEAH!).
I love watching movies too, favourite directors... It's probably a tie between Wong Kar-wai, John Ford and Takeshi Kitano. I'm also particulary interested in animation films and classic horror movies.
Favourites Bands: If I have too choose a few... Belle and Sebastian, Jamie T, Streetlight Manifesto, The Rural Alberta Advantage, 65daysofstatic and Rancid.
Shows i like/d: Grey's Anatomy, Misfits, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Star Trek (every series, Benjamin Sisko fan), American Horror Story, Gilmore Girls, Everwood,
The Office and probably a few more i can't remember in this particular moment.
Also I enjoy reading graphic novels (and sometimes comic books but when they have a recopilatory volume), Football (yeah, FOOTBALL, not soccer:P)and time
to time playing some magic the gathering with my highschool friends.

Things i dislike: I can't remember anything i truly dislike in this moment... I don't know what's happening to me right now... I'm in carebear mode?!

And probably that's all i can write for now.

Best Wishes!


PS: It's my first post in any blog and my english vocabulary is pretty lame. So let me know if you notice any mistake.
PS2: I noticed that I didn't speak a lot about my academic situation but it's because I'm going through a confusing situation, I promise more information in the future.
PS3: I'm too lazy to take a photo of myself in this moment, next time it will be one. So I put a picture of my favourite animated character, yes i'm that childish... so what.


  1. Yay! Touching corpses! \o/

    And, psh, I say there's nothing wrong, or even particularly childish in liking cartoon characters! Especially classic Disney! I mean, c'mon! We grew up on that stuff!

    Also, yesh, Gilmore Girls! There can never be enough Gilmore Girls appreciation!

    I remember being addicted to Everwood too. It did get pretty ridiculous towards the later seasons with Ephram and the nanny but nonetheless, I remember being entertained by it at some point :D

    1. Corpse touchers united! *high five*

    2. Now is when we fill the blog with pictures and diagramas of organs... alienate ALL the people, YAY!

    3. I can provide decomposition images with fly maggots and skin peeling off! \o/ It's a party!

    4. I bring the jars of eyes and the intestine scarves, Yeah, P-A-R-T-Y!

  2. YaY a fellow Tombstalker!

    And the Jungle's Book OST is an amazing record, full of jazzy tunes.
    I love Gilmore Girls, i know it's a "girl's" program but i grew up watching it and it was a great experience.
    Yeah, Probably the best character of Everwood was the Doc Brown... or lovely George Berger, as we know also it.

    1. yeah, male Gilmore Girls fans are a rarity. Well, not necessarily *that* big of a rarity (I follow a blog called gilmored on Tumblr. A large number of male fans started crawling out of the wood work when someone said there are no guy fans, just to say they exist. And last summer I did work with a guy who was also a fan.) but they don't really talk about it that much. :P I just get happy seeing that there are guys who also appreciate the series. It was a well made series! Well, until the last season...boy did that make me miss the original writer and the creator of the show, Amy Sherman-Palladino.

    2. Yeah, please don't make start talking about the end of the series or the Jess-Dean debate. I need to keep my masculine reputation XD

    3. LOL! Oh Jess and Dean debate...I'm one of the few GG fans who actually doesn't give a damn about that one. (ok maybe I do a little: NEITHER OF THEM DESERVES RORY! Nor do the other douchey boyfriends, like Logan)

      The main thing that pissed ME off in the final season was the pointless plot line of Luke suddenly having a daughter (April). It reeked of a desperate and very hasty attempt to create drama between Lorelai and Luke, because the characters were 'too happy' or something. Lorelai's weird wedding freak out with the ultimatum and not being able to wait seemed bizarre and out of character to me. At this point of the show I just went WTF.

    4. I love Gilmore Girls, I should rewatch all seasons soon!

      But don't say anything against Logan, he's a douche, but my favorite!

    5. Well, you make break the silence... I'm pro Dean... I'm not going to explain why, I said enough

    6. xD heh, well at least Dean has been nice. You know. Before the whole cheating on wife thing.

    7. It's too early to show some faces of myself... I represent half of the male population of this blog :D

    8. soon you will represent a mere third! xD

    9. NOOOOO... you ****** are diluting my power...

    10. [insert diabolical laughter here]

    11. So we have a demons problem... I'm getting my colt...

    12. *narrows eyes* Cool it, Winchester.

    13. *freeze-frame high five* o/\o

  3. I love John Ford films too although only really when they have John Wayne in them as I love the Duke. :D

    1. On cowboys matters, I'm on the Clint Eastwood side.

    2. Ahhh. I have some of his films and he is a good actor, no denying that, but I am a bigger fan of the Dukes. However, I really do need to see more of Clint Eastwoods films.

  4. I've yet to read a John Green book too. Generally the sort of stuff he writes simply hasn't interested me before: YA, teen love-centric, young male main character...

    However, I did buy TFiOS! It sounded different from the rest. I still haven't finished reading it. I figured this book might actually interest me enough for me to want to buy it. Sounded like it essentially revolves around, well, death. And it has a female lead. So I figure I could forgive the YA part and teen love stuff. xD

    1. I'm interested in every book he wrote because I don't have issues with any literary subject. It depends on how good is the writer and that's what I'm going to discover soon. Luckily, he is as good as I imagine.

    2. I don't have *issues* with literary subjects per sae, I just don't particularly care about certain themes and contexts, so I brush past them. Some of them might be awesome, but I'll never knooow. xDDDD

      This is not to say I haven't read books with settings that have not initially interested me. And some of them have indeed managed to surprise me and entertain me never know. :P

  5. You should come back packing in England again :)

    1. I developed a deep love for London but I want to travel to new places and i always wanted to go to australia is like the lost world (biologicaly speaking)... and Canada always sounded pretty interesting to me, it's like the friendly brother of USA (It's a joke)

    2. Oh yeah, everyone here has pet dinosaurs. It's pretty awesome.

      I've always wanted to visit South America, it seems like it would be totally different from anywhere else. I have a friend who went to (I think) Ecuador last year and said it was incredible.

    3. It's pretty amazing here, I've never been in Ecuador. But I love my country, It has so many different biomes.

    4. I have always wanted to go backpacking. Come to Malaysia when you go to Australia.'s nearby. Well 7 hour flight away but close enough.

    5. I'm still on an early phase of the collecting money and planning... so it's hard to take that kind of decitions right now XD

  6. How great is Disney? We should make that a theme for a week!

    1. Totally would be down for a Disney Week!

    2. Ahh yes! You have my vote as well!

    3. if I can pass this by just drawing Beast from Beauty And The Beast and actually writing very little, I'm game!

    4. Yeah, but with Beast of the X-men...

    5. I don't think people can handle that much Beast! :U
