Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome to my crib

Room tour! Yay!
Welcome to my room. I just redecorated my door - I went with a cow theme this time ;) You can get those posters in the Tyrol shop in the city and they get new ones every six months, so that's really a nice thing.

The Lord of the Rings print is hanging there forever already.

And my sister always sticks some stuff to my doorframe, you can't see it from this angle, but on the other side is a Woodchopper Simulator ad. Very funny.

In general most of my room is taken by my bed. It's 1.40m wide and I love it. It's just perfect for me alone, I find it a bit too small for two persons XD Usually it never looks so neat, there is always stuff piling up on the side. Also, I usually have sheets matching my wall, those are the only ones that don't fit (but they are pretttyyyy).
On the wall I have some pictures of me and my boyfriend and friends and my sister. I'm about to redecorate that wall, but I'd need to buy canvas for that and I always forget.
Behind my bed is one of my bookshelves. There's also my E.coli plushie because why would you not want to have that as a plushie?
If you turn to the right you see my other, slightly more messy, bookshelves. I have my books sorted by author and genre, obviously.
On the lower shelves are mostly boxes and other crap.
In the corner of my bed are a big bear (called Lea, I have it forever) and a still nameless Husky puppy my boyfriend brought me from Santa's village in Rovaniemi (Finland).

More to the right is my door again, but it's not very exciting. I keep my hoodies on some hooks on the door and I have a lot of stickers on it. Next to it is a Lord of the Rings map a friend made for me. It's so beautiful!
Then there's my closet - it's also nothing special, IKEA Pax, very messy inside and too little space.

Directly on the right of my closet is my main area - my desk. I have my Macbook Air plugged to the big Samsung screen because I like having a big screen. I have a lot of pens on my desk - still from my studying period - and the XBox. TV, Color laser printer (with Ezio Auditore on it), subwoofer, that's my little Hi-Fi center XD

You can't see the cable mess under my desk on this picture, but it's quite terrible. I also have router and modem under/behind my desk, plus all the power cords...
On the wall, a brain poster. Nothing more to say!

On the last wall is another bookshelf (I have five Billys in total) with my university folders, boxes with stuff and my medicine books. Do you see the surgeon rubber duck? XD
Also, unsolved Rubik's Cube.
The doors of the big shelf (and also of the one next to the door) are customizable, so I put there some wrapping paper. At the moment I don't have a carpet because I'm getting a new one soon - the old one was too big, we have floor heating and when there's too much stuff on the floor (*cough cough*) it doesn't work properly and I have to freeze.

My room is directed to the north and on the ground floor (our house is built into the mountain side, so our upper and lower floor are actually ground floors), so it's always rather dark inside. I do get a bit of sun everyday around 16:15 in the summer though XD

And now some random stuff in my room: close up of my medicine books and the surgeon rubber duck. Also, another shot of my desk, because let's face it, it's the most important thing in my room. I have a nice big TV, but only 3 HD channels (we only have cable...), so if I watch TV, I usually only watch Servus TV (it's Red Bull's TV channel and they have AMAZING documentaries in AMAZING quality).

 The little one on the left is my plushie goat Schnucki. I got it when I was 7 and it still sleeps in my bed every night. A goat is so much cooler than a common teddy bear!
On the right is my little snow globe collection. My mother started to bring me a snow globe from places she goes to. I have Jerusalem (I guess that's rather a sand storm), Vienna, Granada and the forth one I don't remember where it's from. And there are two shot glasses, one from Barcelona and one from Greece, but I actually never used them so far.
Everytime I go somewhere I think that I should start to collect something. A former friend of mine buys on of those little sight souvenirs from every place she goes to. I'd like to have something cool too, but so far I haven't decided yet what I could be. And now I've already been to too many places that I won't go to again so soon, so I missed the opportunity to buy something there and that sucks. Do you collect something? Or do you have an idea what I could collect?

So now you know my room. Feel free to stalk!


  1. I love that you have a corner that looks like an actual office! I everything on my bed. And my handouts are not in neat folders but stacked on a shelf in my closet. Your office chair looks comfy!

    I'm not even an AC fan but damn hat Ezio figurine looks awesome! Also, lol at the surgeon duck. xD

    Huh. A person who actually collects snow globes? At one point, when I was little, I got them as presents from some friends. I've never liked them. Thought they were generally not that pretty. And they were dull unless you bothered to shake them again and again.

    I want your medical books! :U ALL OF THEM! English.

    I don't really collect anything, though I wish I did. I do have some Snufkin related things and Battlestar Galactica related things that have accumulated. BSG stuff I've actually bought myself, unlike the Snufkin stuff, which I've gotten as presents. I do buy books from a book series and DVD sets of TV shows that I like, I suppose I could count that as collecting. :P But really, nothing all that interesting or fun.

    I do like the idea of buying those little sights souvenirs. Sounds like fun.

    1. I need my desk for studying, usually it also looks like a mess, with thousand papers and a couple of books lying around XD

      I don't really collect snow globes, but if my mother keeps bringing me some I can't just throw them away XD

      Mim's Medical Microbiology is in English! A great book, even though I mainly bought it because the title is so cool.

  2. Your room is so awesome! I'm so jealous of all the shelving space you have. All of my folders have to be rammed into drawers and under bed boxes.

    What are Billys?

    I don't really collect anything in particular, but whenever I got out on day trips or something, I'll always try to get a small piece of memorabilia or something small. Whether it's a postcard of where I've been, or a ticket for a train or something.

    Also, that rubiks cube is getting the better of my slight OCD. Finish it woman!

    1. Billy is the name of a type of bookshelf found in Ikea.

    2. I just squeezed in a shelf wherever I had a little space and I really need them all. I don't understand how you can live with only one shelf!

      I finished the Rubik's cube, but my sister destroyed it while I was in Poland.

  3. I really like your room, Sarah! I like the orange-ish wall and the fact that you seem to have a lot of stuff! I always wonder why some people don't seem to have stuff in their rooms. WHERE ARE YOU HIDING YOUR THINGS, PEOPLE?

    I'm also envious of all the billys you have! I need another one already cause mine's packed!

    I started collecting badges (button, metal and jacket pins)a few years ago, and still do so! I usually make it a point to get one if I'm travelling, and my friends who travel more often also always get me one to signify whichever country they were at. The good thing about them is that they're small, so they don't take up much space.

    1. The wall color is called Safran! :D I also never understand people without stuff. WHO HAS NO STUFF?

      Badges is a GOOD idea. I also like magnets, but I don't have anything magnetic in my room. Hmmmm.

    2. Oh! I collect sleeve badges due to a Finnish student tradition. We have coveralls, whose colors are determined by our majors, and we sow various kinds of badges onto them (and write on them and so on). Some indicate your major, membership in an organization, an achievement, some are just plain funny etc. Student organizations often have different kinds of badges made (some designed by students themselves) and sell them at events. My pride so far is a trollface sleeve badge. :P I seriously need more badges. I've been kinda lousy at buying them.

    3. @Mia: That's cool! The only people I know who collect sleeve badges are in the boys brigade, or need them for ranks like St John's members. So does every student have to own a coverall? I think that's such a cute tradition!

    4. Every student has their own coveralls, yeah. Unless they chose not to order them. You do have to pay for them, after all, and the fewer sponsors the student organization and the guild manage to gather, the more you have to cover of the expenses yourself. (In addition to sleeve badges, writing and random crap, the coveralls have printed images of the logos of the sponsors - like logos of local bars and clubs for example.)

      My coveralls are deep brown, which is our university's color for culture students (anthropology, literature and archaeology majors). And our coveralls also include a print of the culture students' organization logo on the back.

      You can tell what someone's field is by the color of their coveralls. (It may vary from university to university though) our uni neon yellow is chemistry students, white is medical school, black is geography etc.

      And you may even find out what field the person that student is dating/has dated is studying just by looking, because it is also tradition that you can cut a part of the leg sleeve off from your partner's coveralls and do a little switch, replacing a part of your coveralls. So a person with white coveralls that has a part of one of their legs yellow might be a med student dating a chemistry student. (you have to remember that some coveralls are multicolored by design though, they're not all single color)

      If you look at my facebook photoalbum juhulaa/celebrations you should see some student coveralls. I can link to some better images on our fb group though.

    5. So everyone in Finnish universities can sew? Cause if we had that kind of thing here nobody would bother because nobody can sew. :P

    6. Probably most know how to do it, at least poorly. Sewing ain't exactly rocket science. Especially on clothing where it's all right if it looks a bit weird. :P

    7. I checked out the photos on your Facebook, and now I'm even more intrigued at this tradition! Somehow it makes me think of university sweaters/varsity jackets that are often practised in the US etc. But students wandering around in jumpsuits are SO much better!

      The switching of the leg sleeves with a partner totally made me think of homologous recombination or chromosomal translocation in meiosis/mitosis!
