Monday, September 24, 2012

Wot My Bedroom Is Like.

Here's a fun fact for you: I'm not currently living in my bedroom. Me and some mates are housesitting for another friend of ours who's away in America and whose parents are... somewhere. But telling you about someone else's room in someone else's house in the open internet is a bit weird. Instead, I will use these pictures of my room which I took right before I left.

So. My bedroom is a 4-ish by 5-ish metre room on the second storey of my family's house. This means it has an awesome slanted roof, but it gets very very hot in the summer. I moved into this room when I turned 12. Before that, I shared a room with my younger brother. I have replaced none of the furniture since I moved in, so it's all still the blue-and-silver stuff I thought was cool when I was 12.
This is my bed, and my spare bookshelf full of reference books, and my Dalek poster, and the pictures I pulled out of an astronomy calendar, and a floor lamp.  As you can see by the window, it is night time. Or at least, it was when I took the pictures. I tend to keep my window open otherwise the room heats up like the pits of hades. On the windowsill is a pot plant. Both the pot and the plant are from Ikea.

This is my desk. It's actually a dining table, from Ikea, but I've never used it for anything but a desk. Until recently, it was home to Stickers, the laptop I got when I started high school. Then my brother had a party, and Biscuitron the Magnificent from the living room got moved up here for 'safekeeping'. It's mine now. Also on the desk are some pens and some keys and some lamp and some mug.

To the left of the desk is a clothes rack. From Ikea. This picture also shows off my Wall Wot Has All My Posters On, and my sexy awesome slanting roof. In the bottom left corner you can see my uni backpack. On the bottom right you can see Blue Thing (as the guys at uni have taken to calling it), a blue zip-up polar fleece which I bought for fourteen dollars which is the closest thing I have to a trademark item.

To the right of the desk is the storage. From top to bottom, left to right: A set of in-trays, containing toys and stationery. Top metal drawer is pens and junk. Middle drawer is computer peripherals. Bottom drawer is hundreds of CDs and DVDs, a dozen odd DV tapes, and a lonely floppy disk. White chest of drawers in the middle is shorts and socks and pyjamas and such. Trolley shelf thing on the right is PAPERWORKS because I am an ADULT. Also uni notebooks from last year, and some more stationery.

You have already seen the contents of the right bookshelf. The left bookshelf is all kids books, mostly in series. Also in this photo are more photos, a bunch of movie tickets, and my high school leavers jacket. Oh, and the door. There's also a door.

So now you know where I am not currently living for the next few weeks! For bonus content, this is what happens when you leave a bunch of nineteen-year-olds in a house by themselves...


  1. You have a collection of hats. One of them appears to be Pink and embellished with a seasonal greeting. That is quite cool.

  2. So many people have little desks! They look so productive! I don't have a desk! I feel like I should have a desk. But yet again, the hell would I do with one? I'd end up doing everything on my bed anyways. I would probably just use the desk as a book shelf. Your desk is neat.

    And your bed nook looks cozy with the wide bed and the shelves at an arm's reach.

    ...Also, now that Millie pointed it out, I'm intrigued by the pink hat too. Does it say Merry Christmas?

    1. Yeah. It used to be red but it faded...

      Desks are great, but only if you have room for them. I'm finding that I like to move around a lot when I study so most of what I do at the desk is either writing (because 3000 word essays on a teeny netbook aren't fun) or gaming (because gaming on a teeny netbook isn't fun.)

      I have a separate reading nook too in the other room, with a TV (not connected, just for mah old skool Exbox) and some beanbags. If I read on my bed I tend to fall asleep...

    2. That is some serious fadeage.

      Ermagherd, an old school xbox! I was starting to become convinced I'm the only one who owns one. xD I haven't played anything on it for years though. It used to be the only thing I had that could play DVDs but then the remote enabling me to do so broke and then I got a better computer that could play DVDs so...

      I also used to have a beanbag chair. But then our dog peed on it and we were like..."okay, that's it. We're done! *throws beanbag in the trash*"

    3. We had ours modded years ago so we could play pirated games from Bali. It was the greatest thing we ever did to it, because it also lets you install custom software on there. Right now I use it to stream movies from the network and play N64 games. It's amazing.

  3. Oh and I'm intrigued by the almost mug now. I wanna see it finished! So crafty!

    1. More like crapfty. The end result can't be put in the dishwasher and smells like turpentine...

    2. Yeah, maybe spray paint wasn't the way to go, especially on a mug base that already had the finish layer on it. xD And yay! A crapft! You can join Sarah and I in our crapfty endeavors!
