Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feverish Music Rant

Hey guys!

I said that I would have my bedroom post up by today, but I'm still sick and my room is a total mess... so I thought (since I haven't posted in a while) I'll post about this weeks new theme and post my bedroom post later on in the week...


When it comes to music, I'm all over the map. I like to have music playing in the background at all times. But it really depends on what I'm doing when it comes to what music I play. When I'm cleaning or doing homework, I just turn on the radio to the Top Hits... so right now I'm getting a lot of "Call Me Maybe" and "Gangham Style" mixed in with Taylor Swift reminding me that we will never ever get back together.

Popular music is weeeeiiiird.

When I'm writing, I tend to listen to a mix of Lady GaGa and Florence + The Machine:

Both of them have really different styles but have similar, off beat weird personas. But Florence is a little bit more heartfelt while GaGa is a lot more weird. The real difference here is I will listen to Florence + The Machine for fun while I've kind moved on from Lady GaGa.

But you might be asking, what do you like to listent to when you want to listen to music....

Well to try and answer your question I love to listen to Flogging Molly, Our Lady Peace, Great Big Sea, David Bowie (I have this weird David Bowie love that I blame Labyrinth for forming), Howard Shore, Tool, Green Day, Billy Idol, Queen, Scouting for Girls, An Amalgamation of Songs from different musicals, Eric Hutchinson, Mummford and Sons and Gotye (I just love his song Eyes Wide Open). 

There are other bands, musicians and composers that I like, but I'm currently drawing a blank... I'm going to blame the cold meds for that.

I like to think that musical tastes say a lot about a person, but I don't really know what my musical taste says about me.

But I think that's a question for another day.

So I'll leave you all with this:



  1. I don't listen to radio and I don't watch music TV, so until yesterday I had no idea of this Gangsomething style. Puzzles me why that is popular...

    1. It really is crazy how popular it has been across the world. I keep hearing it. It's ridiculous.

      Fun fact: The Head of my department looks freakishly similar to him. Like freakishly. So everyone has been trying to get him to put on some shades and do the dance. He finally did it. It was amazing.
