Sunday, April 21, 2013

BEDA #20: Zombie Matt Answers Questions

Hey guys!

It's been a really tiring but awesome and fun weekend! I went to the Pacific University conference to present my paper, listen to a whole bunch of papers and think... a lot. So now that it's 2 am according to my body clock and I'm totally exhausted, it's the perfect time to answer some of your questions! :) Some of the bigger ones I'll leave out until a later day, because I can barely see the screen straight I'm so tired (or I might just give really stupid sarcastic answers).

How big a role does religion play in your life?
Right now I'm much more spiritual than religious, but religion has played a huge role in my life, both in negative and positive lights. I definitely would not be who I am today without religion.

How is your Nerdfighter club going?
Well, not as well as I would have liked, but I got super busy with senior year and we never got people organized beyond the Facebook group.

What's your favorite tree smell?
Pine and oak.

Describe each of your toes.
My toes are shy. They don't like the spotlight.

If you could be any kind of beer, which one would you be?
The Russian in me says vodka. The Scottish/Irish in me says Guinness.


  1. You have a Russian in you? Awesome!

    1. Yeah, my dad's side of the family is Russian and Polish!
