Friday, April 12, 2013

BEDA #11 - Aaaaaahhh

That is basically how I feel right now. Oh? You want to know why?

1) Because I have a midterm tomorrow that it isn't really possible to feel prepared for. I felt decently prepared for our first midterm in this class, but then the data analysis problem ended up being very very VERY hard, and there isn't much you can do to prepare for that.

2) I am currently planning a two-week trip to Europe with one of my best friends. She has never been traveling really before and neither of us has traveled alone/planned a trip, but I am having to be the leader in this planning expedition which is difficult for me.

3) I am still trying to be dedicated to VEDA (as well as BEDA).

4) I was leaving from my professor's office hours today and there was a bird in the stairwell trying to get out. It was just repeatedly flapping against the window, hopping back and forth, flapping its wings in vain at a window that couldn't even be open. I wanted to tell someone/do something but I had no idea who to tell or what to do. So I just left. And I feel AWFUL.

5)  I've recently been in the sort of mood where you hate the sound of other people's laughter. So I've been avoiding people which causes me to be alone/lonely which causes me to be more upset.

6) It's an absolutely beautiful day.

My housemates are all downstairs chatting and eating and relaxing. And I have to figure out how to use big PRO to draw right-headed Japanese trees, repeatedly go over 5 only semi-helpful handouts, and maybe even catch up on reading.


Oh well now you all know my life


  1. We should write you a Europe Guide! What to see, what to do, what not to do, ...

    1. That would be the greatest thing! I've only ever been to Italy (I was in France for a week but it was a school choir trip so I don't think it counts, you know?) so I'm going to be fairly lost. At least the language barrier shouldn't be too bad...

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