Saturday, April 27, 2013

BEDA 27: End of Undergrad

It's going to be a short post today

Today is going to be a long day.

I've kind of been dreading today for a multitude of reasons the main one being I'm moving out of my first apartment and headed back to live with my parents for a while.

I've graduated and am now OFFICIALLY an alumni.. err well... I will be in June when they hand me a piece of paper that claims that I did a thing.

I knew that I wanted to go to university when I was 13 years old. You see my Girl Guide Unit were kind of lazy. Instead of going on and end of the year camping trip the leaders (and the leader's daughters) decided we would partake on a new kind of adventure urban camping. Where we staying in a hotel and did classy things. Like go shopping. As you can guess I was not all that thrilled. It wasn't until we took a tour of University of Toronto did I realize that this trip had some form of merit. That weekend I realized that I would never be happy until I went away to school.

Which as we all know, I did. I went, I saw and I conquered.

I learned a lot of interesting things, watched a lot of weird and scarring films (for example I cannot look at the moon without thinking about Luis Brūnuel's short film Un Chien Andalou which you can watch here, but be warned it's a little weird and disturbing) and I've read a wide range of books. I probably never would have developed my love of Ibsen if it weren't for the copious drama courses I have taken over the years.

But I digress....

This is the first time in my life where I haven't really known what the next step is. I know where I want to get, I'm just not exactly sure how to get there.

So while I pack a truck with all my worldly possessions I leave you guys with a question. What are your plans for the future? More school? World adventures? World domination?

I give you my life in boxes (and bags)


  1. Thinking of plans for the future kind of makes me sick to my stomach. I have absolutely no idea. I just figured out a week ago what I'm going to do next year (final year of my bachelor's degree), but I don't have a clue as to what I'm going to do after that. Should I try and get a master's? Should I work? Travel? Do nothing? Sometimes I think it would be rather easy if somebody just told me what to do. Ugh.


  3. THANKS!

    Exactly, I don't know what to do with myself right now. I'm just trying to keep distracted with unpacking and ignoring the rest of the world around me.

    But I know I'm going to have to wake up soon.
