Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vegetables, fear and love (not entirely related)

Hello hello hello.

Freestyle week is almost over and so here I am for my post! It's been a relatively quiet week for me, quite a bit like the calm before the storm because the next month or so will be incredibly busy in University. I have midterm examinations coming up, so I've been busy (well.. not really) preparing for that.

Today I needed to go buy some vegetables to cook at home for meals cause my mum was feeling a bit under the weather. Instead of going to the supermarket in the mall as I usually do, I decided to go to the local wet market that was open near my breakfast place. And in I went and it was quite an adventure cause I rarely, if ever at all, go to the market on my own. All that fresh produce is too intimidating! I ended up buying the wrong vegetable cause apparently I can't differentiate leafy vegetables from one another. So that's the most exciting thing that has happened to me.

Yes. Vegetables. I don't like them.

Also, I was watching a video where this guy asked some people on a subway in NYC about whether the best motivation if life is fear, or love. Since it's a question I've been wondering about, I shall let you guys wonder about it too!

Til next time and hope everyone is well! :)


  1. Vegetables are tricky things indeed! :D Also good luck in advance for revision and for exams!

    I think the two are linked. I think I am motivated by love but at the same time I am motivated because I am scared of losing that love and I don't know which one motivates me more. I would like to think love but maybe not....... oh dear ><

    1. Thank you !

      Don't worry, I immediately thought I was motivated by love but the more I thought about it the more I realized it's likely a fear of failure that keeps me going. The mind works the way it chooses to.
