Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Ambience of Amber (or, Almost Everything You Need To Know About Me)

I realize this post will bring us up to four for today but I figured I should get my intro out of the way so I can move on to this week's actual theme. Now, onward!

Howdy, y'all! I'm Amber, the resident Texas native. (Note: you will never see me use the word 'howdy' ever again. Ever.) Like most places, Texas is not what so many people assume it to be. Well, at least not where I live. However, I would never deign to assume that Nerdfighters would think like the masses so I won't go into The Myths of Texas. But feel free to ask anything you'd like about Texas (or anything else. While we're here I should mention that I like asides.) I'm 22 years old and right now I'm double majoring in Business and Fashion Merchandising.

Right now. The background of my academic career is lengthy, so I'll give you the long and short of it. I have a learning disability. This paired with the fact that i'm incredibly lazy makes me a terrible student. I love learning, but I don't love doing homework so I didn't really do all that well in high school. So out of high school instead of going to a university I got a job. Well, that didn't work out. I then decided to enroll in a local community college. Three years later, I'm still here. Since enrolling I've been a Theatre major, an English major, an Education major, an English Literature major and now finally a Business and Fashion Merchandising major. I have a bad case of I-don't-know-what-the-fuck-I-want-to-do-with-my-life (is cursing okay here? I'm really bad with that. I'll try and tone it down).

Good news though! I'll be transferring to The University of North Texas next fall! Thank goodness! I'm not really proud of the fact that I've been at a two year school for three years, but it is what it is. Anyway, I know what you're wondering. You're wondering why there is a fashion merchandising major in with all these other brilliantly, scholarly, wonderful majors. (I mean, Archaeology. That's awesome!) I am also wondering the same thing. But we're all Nerdfighters which means we're all awesome so I'll do my best not to say anything too stupid (but hey, I'm not making any promises. I am, after all, American). So, back to the topic at hand. Fashion Merchandising, Amber? Nerds don't major in Fashion Merchandising. Yeah well, I'm the exception, not the rule. And I LOVE fashion! And clothes! And scarfs! And hats! And shoes! Homgshoesss! But(!) I don't love it as much as I love theatre, or reading, or classic literature. Which, I think, is why I've finally settled on business as a major and career choice. The things I love, I love too much for me to want to make a job out of doing them. There are other reasons but they aren't very interesting so I'll spare you the details.  I'd really like to either manage or own a retail store that focuses on handmade, sustainable and upcycled clothing. I'm all about turning something old and outdated an turning it into something better and awesome.

In regards to my life outside academia, I love warm sunny days (Which is good because it's dead winter here and it's 72 degrees outside. Seriously, I'm contemplating a picnic), walks in the park, good books, the Internets. Also, books. Like leather/hard bound. Like I'm-the-most-beautiful-copy-of-Arabian-Nights- that-you-have-ever-seen books. I'm sure you can already tell by my previous freak out over shoes that I am girl in the most stereotypical of ways. I'm sure the men are doing their best not to roll their eyes (Don't hold back boys! I!). So yeah, I like all that girly stuff. But I also like camping, and swimming, and baseball, and floating in rivers during the summer. And Harry Potter, of course! I watch way too much television. I play the piano. I have two horribly annoying younger brothers, a huge extended family and really cool parents (No, really. My parents are awesome.) Also...Ilikevampirefiction. I know, /I know/! Don't kill me! Don't worry, I detest Twilight as much as the next sane person. But yeah, I like vampires. And zombies. Alright. I'm cutting this off. I've rambled long enough.

While I don't like to focus on the negative, things I do not like include (but are not limited to): Doctor Who, The Jersey Shore, most rap music, scifi (Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, Stargate, Star Trek. Seriously, come up with names that don't include the word 'star'. Also, Doctor Who), Twilight, Doctor Who, apples (it's the texture), world suck, decepticons (by the way, I don't like Transformers for two reasons: Megan. Fox.) Have I mentioned that I don't like Doctor Who?

Alright, folks. That ends the Amber portion of our programing for today, I hope you enjoyed it! :D

P. S.  I love talking to people and I love procrastinating so please feel free to Skype me any time! :D

P. P. S. I'm really not as disdainful as my picture would lead you to believe. My friend drew it and I think it's cute.


  1. SCARFS!!! I don't *do* fashion, but I love fashion blogs and all that stuff and I think it's awesome you major in fashion merchandising.

    What I know about Texas: George W. Bush, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Sandy from Spongebob.

    And I'm okay with cursing :)

    1. Haha, that's awesome! Most the the blogs I follow are fashion blogs. Or design blogs.

      Yeah, George W. is all many people know about Texas. It's really a very nice place!

      And I'm considering that as a sign of permission!

  2. When I think of Texas, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Rich Texan from the Simpsons XD...

    1. By the way... I'm nobody to judge but... you don't like STAR WARS... *trying to calm down*... but Chewbacca and Han... *mumbled something and left the room*

    2. I could look over Dr Who cause I've never watched it, but STAR WARS? Sigh.
      This is Nerdfighteria. We accept all. Even those that don't like star wars.

    3. Oooh, yeah...Sorry guys! I don't abhor it! I think I could sit down and watch the series and enjoy it! Is that okay? Sci-fi isn't something I get irrationally angry about (I'm looking at you, Twilight) but it's just not something I enjoy. Doctor Who, I don't think I could enjoy sitting around watching Doctor Who. I'm always like, 'WHAT THE WHAT IS GOING ON? WHY IS HE-? WHO IS THAT?! THEY'RE HER PARENTS?! OMG, THAT'S SO-UGH!!!'

      So maybe Star Wars isn't on my HATE list. But it's not on my like list...

    4. Okay okay, that's not too bad. Your apparent hatred of twilight will do to make up for it !

    5. Yeah, pretty much. Texas is awesome though!!

    6. Yeah, Twilight turns me into a giant squid of anger.

    7. I love Doctor Who, but overall I am not a sci-fi person, so I completely understand. I don't care for Star Wars either >.>

    8. Oh, thank God I am not alone!

    9. I'm a sci-fi person, but I can forgive you for disliking all those awesome things you listed, mostly... xDDD It's not everyone's thing, can't be helped. And though I love a number of sci-fi shows, by no means does it mean I like all sci-fi. So, eh. Matter of taste.

      I do love that you get irrationally angry about Twilight. xD

    10. I don't like Sci-Fi either, so I always assumed I hate Star Wars until my boyfriend made me watch both trilogies and now I love it! I'm a big Darth Vader fan and I have the Imperial March as my ringtone :D

    11. I'm always attempting to watch sci-fi shows. Just to see if I'd like them. Because I'm sure there's bound to be something out there than I like but I haven't found it yet.

      Both of my younger brothers love Star Wars! There was one year where a Star Wars movie was playing on at least one TV in my house at any given moment. I'm a Darth Vader fan! Have I mentioned that I'm a Slytherin? I always go for the bad guy. :]

    12. Woo! I'm a Slytherin as well.

  3. What are the Myths of Texas? o.O

    *calculates fahrenheit to celcius* OH. 22 degrees. That's still cold. Unless you were being sarcastic. But I don't think you were.

    Also, you just introduced me to the term upcycling. I had to google that.

    1. Oh, I don't know. Things stupid people assume when they generalize things about Texas. So everyone that's from here is just like George Bush, or Rick Perry. Or what we all have horses, or live on ranches. That sort of thing. Or that we all have accents.

      72 degrees (alternately known as 22) is not that cold here! It nice and sunny so even if they're a chill on the breeze you're good in pants and a light sweater. Usually it's at least 30 degrees colder by now. Alas, we are experiencing a semi-unusual winter.

      Yeah! Upcycling is awesome! I mean, it's cool for people to buy thrift'd clothes but I think the majority of clothes at thrift stores are just so out of date that they would be made better if they were just...upcycled! Same goes for any other urban trash. Obviously I'm mainly concerned with the clothes. :D

    2. Ah. Basically stereotypes. If it helps, I don't think every Texan lives on a ranch. Or has a horse. Maybe the accent thing. But even then, not so much.

      Considering it's winter, 22 degrees must be lovely. Welcome to global warming! Anything less than 24 degrees is cold for me. LOL the tropic.

      Is it a very popular thing in the US? I really have never heard of it. I just lumped everything under re-use as recycling.

    3. Ah, well I don't have an accent. I do say y'all though! That was real! And 'fixing to'.

      I think anything less than 20 and I'd be complaining that it was cold but it was really nice today. So I understand how you could be cold at 24!

      Not really, most Americans are perfectly find with buying products that are readily available as oppose to seeing if they could make it themselves. I see a lot more people embracing DIY, but I'm not sure if that's because it really is happening more or if I'm just more focused on it because it's something I like.

    4. I say y'all too. So you're fine. haha!

      I guess it just becomes to much work to have to DIY stuff. But if there are shops that already sell upcycled things then it really does increase the chances of people embracing it.

    5. 22C is COLD? Dear lord, that's warm to me! Plenty warm! Already too warm for me, personally, since I'm not one of those people who rejoice over summer temperatures and warmth. Currently it's around -25C here (-13F), should be getting colder soonish.

    6. Oh dear god. -25C. 22C here and I'm putting on a sweater. Oh you northern Ruropeans with your freezing weather.

    7. We have -4C at the moment, but they expect -25C during the weekend. Everybody is panicking already ^^

      Last winter I was in Norway and it had -30C. That was... chilly XD

    8. Oh my god! There is no way. I agree with Millie, 70f(21c) and I'm not leaving the house without a sweater! It hardly ever goes below freezing, so I can't even imagine what -13f(-25c) feels like. It freezes over here and people have no idea what to do! We all just...flail around. Our schools get shut down for less than 5in(12cm) of snow!

    9. No seriously, what do you people do if it goes below negative ? o.O

    10. You just wear more clothes :)

    11. I feel like there wouldn't be enough clothes in the world. XD

    12. yeah, -30C to -35C (-22F to -31F)is pretty standard weather in Finland this time of the year (Jan-Feb). Should be getting down to -30C over the weekend if the weather forecast holds up, though you never know, this winter has been oddly warm.

      I remember hearing that the temperature has already dropped down to -37C (-34.6F) in a part of Eastern Finland at some point. It's the record for this winter so far but I assume it's going to be broken at some point, if it hasn't already.

      And yes, we simply wear warmer clothes when it gets cold. xD

    13. And when it gets really cold: Curse like a drunken sailor doing a hooker in the bathroom of a bar.

    14. Or like that (somebody just posted that on Facebook):

    15. There you go. Alcohol saves all. Vodka and tequila all around!

    16. Oh he's just having a cup o' joe. No biggie.
      That pic has been circulating the webs for quite a while now xD There should be a naked guy version. Because sometimes Finns hang out outside, naked. And roll in snow. And maybe take a dip in a hole they've made on a frozen body of water. And then they run into a sauna. It's fun!

  4. Dear me, did you really just spend a dozen posts talking about the weather?

    On a related note, can I propose a new rule? All units of measurement (temperature, mass, distance, etc) should be given in metric and imperial. Why? If you assume that it takes a minute to do the conversion, then if one person does it it saves thirteen other minutes of valuable human life!

    Only if you want to though.

    1. Sou you mean that we should always write both?

    2. Metric FTW! but well... i guess is easier if we just write both...

    3. Metric is better ;)

      I'm really sucky at calculating in my head, so I guess it will be a lot of looking up... XD

    4. Weather can be interesting. Especially when they're so different from my own.

      I can write both, that seems like a good solution. I'll admit that metric makes way more sense.

    5. Darlings, darlings. You don't have to calculate ANYTHING. When you, for example google "-30C in F", it gives you the answer directly. Same with just about any measurement. You can type in "2 metres in feet" or "3lbs in kg" or vice versa. That's how I do my conversions.

      I'm used to writing both as I talk to Americans online a lot (it is a good courtesy to translate the measurements you talk about), but really, you can do your own googling if someone hasn't remembered to include a conversion to something. It only takes few seconds depending on your typing speed. :P

      Yes. We indeed have spent many comments discussing the weather. :D I HAVE NO REGRETS!

    6. Yeah, its as easy as typing it in to your search bar. ALL HAIL TO OUR GOOGLY OVERLORDS.

    7. Related:

    8. Sarah, I haven't decided if I'm offended or not...but I laughed anyway. XD
