Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nerdfighteria... How do I know that name?

... is the question I asked myself a year ago. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't recall where I had heard it before that day (being, if I remember well, a cloudy Sunday); I was bored to death (or almost) (didn't even have a gun to shoot the wall), so I went on The Internet. Where I started watching videos. Saw a comment saying: "Nerdfiiiiiiighteria!" on a video repeating "This is Sparta!". It caught my attention. I checked, and fell on the Vlog Brothers' channel.
I discovered then I had already seen a lot of their videos a few years ago (and that the channel was one of the multiple links I had lost when the Windows part on my computer had crashed) (Dualboot, Ubuntu's the best) (Besides, Tux is über cute) (That's not really the point though).

I can't write precisely how I found out about Nerdfighteria in the first place, I think it's because I got interested in the P4A project, and landed on the video John made about The uncultured project (which is pure gold, I think). I found him interesting when he spoke. I watched a few other vids... and voilà!

Well well well... That's it for today!
Thank you for being all made of fluffy awesomeness!

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