Monday, February 13, 2012

A Nerdfighter's Tale

Let me spin you all an epic tale of intrigue, fight sequences, and romance; the story of how I became a nerdfighter!

Actually, this story has none of those things. It does have to do with tortoise mating noises though. That makes up for it, right?

Basically, over summer break after my first year of college, about a year and a half ago maybe, I was up late talking with my now ex-girlfriend over video chat and she sent me links to these two really strange videos, one with a song about makin' babies, the other about tortoise mating sounds. I nearly died laughing while watching both of them.

I watched a few more videos before going back to school, but it wasn't really until part way through the year that I decided I was a nerdfighter. It had a lot to do with me starting to really anticipate Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays merely because there would be a new Vlogbrothers video posted. I started watching them with friends and they thought they were hilarious too, and one friend of mine became a nerdfighter along with me. I have now recruited three to the nerdfighter cause as of this date.

Oh, also the Project for Awesome hooked me for life.

And that's really it. Not very exciting, but I couldn't be happier I joined this community. You guys are all awesome! :)

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