Monday, February 13, 2012

I love giraffes who love giraffes, and you?

Sorry for the lateness, I kept procrastinating the writing of this post and suddenly I realized that the week had ended. But well, my nerdfighting story is nothing special, in fact is really young.
One day, I was searching for my daily ration of giraffe’s pornography… Well, no, I’m not that creepy… but surely that’s a more interesting story than mine.
In the late 2010, I noticed that there was more in youtube that those silly viral videos. Suddenly, I discovered a lot of new channel that I really enjoyed; I have to admit that I start watching gaming related channel (Total biscuit, Yogscast, later everyone related to the gamestation…). But in the summer of 2011, I amplified my “type of channel I’m watching” field; I started watching sxephil, watsky (the first youtube musician I loved)…  One day, I was looking for news about the revolution in Egypt and I found a guy with a crazy hair explaining it in four minutes and I found amazing how funny this guy was while he explained a really serious situation (but to be sincere, it was a puff connection, I always have high puff levels). Then I look at the sidebar and I saw a video called “Is Hank Green Batman?” I thought…” Well, I like Batman, Let’s figure it out”. After that I had to watch every single vlogbrothers’ video.  
I become an active member of nerdfighteria a few months ago, the summer break just started, I had a lot of free time and it had proved being an awesome community … and that fellow is the story of how I ended up blogging with an awesome crew.

Best Wishes and DFTBA!

Quick Updated: If you look at the sidebar you will notice that my “profile” had changed. Yeah, it’s official… I've left the med student's team... I'm a one man wolf pack now... 


  1. You can still be a member in our Creepy Corpse Touching People Pack!

    1. YAY! Midnight excursions to the morgue! By the way, I think we should name it "Creepy Corpse Touching Society". It's more classy that way I can use a top hat.

    2. And we wear suits.

      Without pants.

  2. Oheeey, yogscast! I liked watching videos by those guys. They had me wanting to play minecraft. But then I realized I'm just not that into building things so I would just get bored if I actually tried it. xD

    1. I love the yogscast. I love that they are really bad at minecraft, but they are really funny while failing... Doing things "in the Yogscast Way" XD... About the game itself, I more of a adventure maps player, that's the main reason I watch another youtubers of this kind, to find new interesting maps...

  3. The beginning made me laugh. After one of those microseconds of "whaaat?" before you get it's a joke xD

    1. Nah, Giraffes... puff... I'm more of the Turtle's porn type...
