Friday, February 17, 2012

An update on life and general ramblings

So, this weeks theme is "Freestyle", which instantaneously makes me think about skateboards, about which I know nothing about ...

I'm sat here with a grilled cheese sandwich made of awesome, and somewhat resembling a toad (I have a throat infection and my glands are up so it looks like I have no neck - GIVE ME SYMPATHY :P), not really knowing what to write. I'm just going to type and see what comes up on the computer screen :)

Who likes balloons? I know I do!
So this weekend, I'm going home for the weekend from Uni, to see my parents, brothers and le boyfriend. I have a fun 3 hour journey ahead of me yay! However I'm very very excited, as it's my parents ruby wedding anniversary on Sunday (40 years), and my Mum's 60th Birthday on Monday (which sadly I will be missing).
It'll be nice to see my Brothers, whom I haven't seen since Christmas time, and to unwind a little bit as University has been quite full on the last few weeks.

Speaking of University, I got my results for my January exams this week! I passed everything, which in itself is a miracle, but not only that, I did pretty well. Just goes to show, that hard work actually does pay off :) All I have to do now, is try and figure out what modules I want to do next year which is going to be a mighty task for me. I had a scary meeting with my personal tutor yesterday (the lecture who is responsible for looking after me). There was a lot of talking about to life after University and how for most people, it's only next year we'll be looking for jobs! Even though I plan to study for an extra year, it's still scary that thinking in about 2 1/2 years time, I'm going to have a real job, and real responsibilities...

So, I think that's all of my news, etc for the time being. Just as a prior warning,  I might be absent from the blog over the next couple of weeks as I have a LOT on with Uni and stuff, but I will try to spread my awesome none the less.

I hope you're all having spiffing weeks, cheerio for now, and DFTBA ;)


  1. Aww, congratulations on your exams!

  2. SYMPATHY. And congratulations for your results !

  3. I hope you feel better soon! also WOOOOOOOOOOOO for passing everything! congratulations!

    The future is a scary thing indeed but I think it shall be awesome. Jobs might prove to be 10 times better than uni. We will have to see but don't be scared about it :)

  4. Here you have a ration of Sympathy! I'm glad to know that our resident mathematician passed all the exams!
