Friday, February 10, 2012

Nerdfighters, what's up?

When did I become a Nerdfighter? No frickin' clue. It was one of those things where it just happens and then life goes on.

I was first introduced to the Vlogbrothers through a fellow nerdfighter friend who had been following them for a while. I was never into Youtube, but she thought I'd enjoy the videos and showed me a few (although i don't remember which). I think this was probably in late 2008, early 2009. I watched it on and off, but only started really watching religiously in late 2009 to early 2010. In between all that I was introduced to John's books which I really enjoyed and made me like the Vlogbrothers so much more. They were just so.. intelligent.

I've never really been one of those who are very involved in Nerdfighteria. I was always just lurking and checking things out. I mucked around a fair bit in the original Your Pants but that was it really. When TFiOS was announced, I pre-ordered and made a conscious decision to be more involved in the community, so here I am !

I know a handful of Nerdfighters in real life, which is cool. I have high hopes for planning a gathering in the future !

The best Nerdfighter IRL moment that happened was when I just started University. I was in a lecture and the girl in front of me had Your Pants open on her laptop. We had met each other a few days before but we weren't really friends until that happened and I was all "OMG ARE YOU A NERDFIGHTER TOO?". Friendship made.

That's that. Cheers!


  1. You're so lucky to know real nerdfighters!

    1. I thought the same thing! I'd love to go to a gathering too. And I'm very distantly excited about your plans to organise one :p

    2. As the community grows, I find it becomes easier to find them! I hope you guys find some too!

      We should have our own gathering. Google + Hangout!
