Friday, February 17, 2012

An interesting week indeed.

I must first apologise for my failure at making a post about my Nerdfighter history.

How I became a Nerdfighter is amazingly dull and lacking any exciting twists. I basically stumbled upon the Vlogbrothers channel one day. I have an amazingly rubbishy memory, but I think I found it through a girl I was part of a vlogging channel with. After that I kept watching their videos and got more and more sucked into the whole Nerdfighter world and i just clicked with it, I felt like this was a community I could fit into. So yes that is the basic story behind how I came to be here.

Now on to the free style post.

This week has been immensely long for me but also extremely interesting at the same time. A while ago I had to have a dyslexia test and this week I got the report/results back. So I don't have dyslexia, but I do have something called Dyspraxia and also problems with memory and eye stress and stuffs. This means I can now get help which is always good. The biggest thing for me though was that I wasn't just imagining things and I'm not just stupid. Something which was hard to not think about when facing different problems. I have problems with speaking too sometimes. When I get tired or stressed words will jumble up and I won't be able to speak sentences properly. I will stumble over them and sometimes words (being the awkward things they are) will just get stuck and won't come out. Usually this ends up being pretty embarrassing for me but funny for others. I hope now though i can find ways and support to help improve things. I am not sad that I have these things wrong with me nor do I wish I didn't have them. In a way they are a part of me and I have accepted that. I learn things differently and deal with things differently but then so does everyone. So really we are all unique and I am just the same in that. I am proud of myself though because despite having these learning difficulties and things I have still managed to get to the course and the university I wanted to. I think that is pretty damned cool.

My boyfriend also visited me last weekend which was incredibly incredible. We went and saw War Horse together, which can I just say is FANTASTIC and i cried like a little girl all the way through it! It is such a great film!!!!!!!!! i do like good films. I especially like watching good films when my boyfriend is there too. ^^

Other then that my week hasn't been that great, today involved shoving my hands into hedges to discover that they were full of blackthorn and hawthorn and coming out with shredded hands. Note to self: Don't stick hands into spiky hedges.


  1. I think it's always important to know what is wrong with you, because then you can treat it or get the support you need. I don't understand people who are too scared to go to doctor because there *could* be something wrong... but maybe that's just my doctor-opinion.

    And now I want to watch War Horse even more!

    1. I have to admit to having a fear of doctors and hospitals. Not because there could be something wrong though. I really don't know why I am scared but I always have been since being a little kid.

      You should watch it. It is a brilliant film. Definitely take some tissues though. Even my boyfriend was on the verge of tears!

  2. I'm happy for you that you've finally figured out what was wrong with you! And kudos for not really caring that there is :)

    1. Thank you ^^
      Well I figure I can't change it so I may as well accept it and then get onto trying to ease the problems ^^
