Saturday, February 25, 2012

Animated Movie Magic

I love the older Disney animated movies simply because they have this air and grace about them that's simply breathtaking. The songs were top notch. Everything was beautifully drawn, but with that faded touch to it since HD meant just about nothing.

It's hard to pick a favourite when they all speak volumes about your childhood and each carries a different strength. But the ones that would top my list are: Pocahontas, A Bug's Life, Beauty & the Beast, Snow White, Cinderella, The Lion King, Monster's Inc, Finding Nemo, and Lilo & Stitch.

But I think I would pick Mulan as my favourite Disney princess simply because she was a little bit more bad ass compared to the others. Plus there was Captain Shang. Oh Captain Shang.

As for Disney/Pixar collaborations, my favourite is without a doubt Toy Story. I mean seriously, I bawled my way through Toy Story 3 while I lamented my chil
dhood being over. But outside of that, Wall-E is a top pick all the time. This one is a little bit more of an unpopular choice cause a lot of people never really favoured this one. Somehow or another I was really taken by the simplicity of the storyline and it was just something completely different. Any movie that starts off with 10+ minutes of zero dialogue has to be one of a kind! Together with this comes the unpopular opinion of the day: I don't quite like Up. I know so many people that bawled their eyes out watching it but I never took to it. To me it was simply mediocre!


The reason why so many of us love these animated movies of our childhood is simply cause we watched them during our childhood. We remember them in a simplistic manner without looking into the details of the cinematography, or the storyline etc. We don't spot the holes that exist within them like we do now. We cling to that innocence.

A recurring theme that arises when teenager and young adult revisit these movies is how messed up they actually are. Or how creepy the villains were. Or how fake the storyline is. That's the fact of life. We no longer view it with the childlike innocence that we used to. But we still love them because we can remember the original joy of watching these movies. I love watching them back, but sometimes I view them with a conscious decision to do so light-heartedly for fear of losing that love I have for the movies in view of the fact that they weren't perfect.

Case in point in this, which I found on Tumblr when looking for a picture to post here:

Thanks a lot, Internet.

But nonetheless, these movies are a beauty. The songs were a beauty. The characters were a beauty. Scratch all that. They are a beauty.


  1. I love Mulan! And yeah, Shang was pretty beautiful.... I forget how much I love that movie.

  2. Mulan is amazing.
    And I agree with you: Disney movies are messed and still they are amazing because of the memories associated with them.
