Friday, February 10, 2012

Once Upon a Time

I'm ALIVE! :)
Sorry about disappearing last week, I was trying to think of something to add to Kate's wonderful description of the English education system, but I couldn't find any flaws! Also, I had to get my maths on, I had beaucoup de travail (Yeah I had a conversation with Tangerine).

So my Nerdfighter story ... 

Once upon a time, a slightly more socially awkward 15 year old Alison (Yeah she thought it was common to shorten your name back in the day...), was a very keen and hard working student at school. She had been struggling with the fact that very few people she knew could appreciate the wonderful nerdy things she liked such as Doctor Who, and internet outside of bebo (anyone remember that?).

Not drawn by me ( I can't draw)
Then one day in her English class, her wonderful and intelligent English teacher Miss Barber through her a lifeline, which helped to shape her life from there on in. She came in with a local newspaper called "The Bath Chronicle". Now Miss Barber has always understood Alison very well, and knew that a particular article would probably interest her. She handed the paper to Alison and told pointed out a boy a year older than Alison, Charlie McDonnell who lived only a few miles away. He was nerdy just like Alison, and he made videos on youtube,  (a website I thought was purely for videos of cats doing funny things and listening to music) in particular a video about making tea
Later that day, Alison went home to watch this Charlie McDonnell of local fame talk about about making tea (a drink which she happened to despise). She thought that it was actually quite funny, despite the poor quality of video.

A year or so went passed and Alison moved on with her life forgetting all about this tea making video. At this point she was in the middle of her G.C.S.E exams and she was looking for anything to do to procrastinate from revision. At this point she remembered this tea drinking teenager whom her English teacher had praised. She began watching his videos again, and subscribed to his channel. This went on for a period of time which she had forgotten, and she slowly got more and more into the youtube community.

Over time she began watching the vlogbrothers channel. She didn't really understand or like them at first. They made strange references to a french llama and a man with a pizza for his face. She felt like she ought to like them as the stood for all things nerdy. She persevered however, for her favorite youtubers Alex Day and Charlie McDonnell sang their praises. With time, she began to understand their jokes, to get what they were about. She quite liked them.

Online Alison has discovered a world of people she never thought existed; people like her. These days, she's a much happier than her somewhat confused spot ridden teenage self. She's found acceptance. She DFTBA and she continues on living happily ever after. THE END
Also not drawn by me.
I hope you enjoyed my nerdfighter story :)
(PS At somepoint along the way, she became Ali)


  1. Why do you not like tea? You're English. You're messing with the stereotype! :O

    Since you lived minutes away, did you ever see Charlie....?

    1. I'm sorry I'll do something typically English, hmmmm... Spiffing day today isn't it?
      I never saw Charlie, or if I did, I didn't realize it was him. I never really got properly into youtube until after he'd moved to London.

    2. Have some scones. It'll fix restore the balance in the world :)

    3. Totally craving some cherry scones now. Gonna go nip to the supermarket...

  2. Replies
    1. Hehe, couldn't work out if that was sarcastic or not, so I'm taking it as not :)

    2. Sorry, it was not sarcastic ;)

    3. In that case, thank you :)

  3. This is a great story! Also I do remember bebo....used to love that site...those were the days :')

    1. I remember bebo too! Those were indeed the days. xD

    2. I used to hate that heart thing on there though. Where people could give a certain quota of hearts each day. I never seemed to get any...

  4. aaw, that was... so cute :D! I'm scrolling down the stories now and they seem to be a lot more similar than I expected, I don't know why. I mean like, the feelings behing them, the happiness behind discovering vlogs and such. makes me feel less strange :P

    1. Thank you! It's a great to find people who've been through the same things and felt the same way. I have much love for the internet generation!
