Saturday, February 25, 2012

Holidays, holidays! (and animated movies)

Hello everyone!
A week away from school! I'm soo happy, I'm gonna be able to work and catch up with the class, hurray! (or not).

Concerning animated movies...I like a few Disneys (old, new, Disney+Pixar... I don't care ^^), but everybody wrote about them already; I enjoyed watching How to train your dragon, because the dragon is super cute, and Summer Wars, a story about IAs, family, video games and friendship, but I'm gonna focus on...

My favorite animated movies: Miyazaki's (and Studio Ghibli's).
They can be cute, horrifying, there is, almost all the time, an other meaning to the picture, the drawings are wonderful and the stories within a high range of scenarios. Some that I would recommend are:

-Castle in the sky, the first one I saw, which is one of my favourites, even now. I loved the design, the relation between the characters, the eerie atmosphere in some scenes. And, actually, that's exactly the same comment that I want to do about Arrietty, even if both movies are not alike.

-Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle are a bit darker, with less hope (scarier, maybe?), but the designs are fantastic, and I loved the story. It would be hard for me to sum up without spoilers, and people often say that pictures are worth a thousand words each... So... (Actually I've been trying to put images in that article for 2 hours and I'm going to burst if my computer stops one more time so sorry, no pictures, but giyf anyway).

All those stories are stories of loss, love, discovery, travel, and what I really enjoy about them is that 1. they are not predictable, and 2. they are not for children only. (Besides, they are aesthetic, really; and the music is always wonderful). That's the kind of movie I watch when it's raining outside, late in the day, with a blanket, a hot coffee, and chocolate.

Well... DFTBA, and tell me what you think about them, if you watch one or two (or more)!


  1. I love Ghibli's work. My favourite movie... It's probably a tie between Porco Rosso, the first Miyazaki's movie I saw, and Grave of the Fireflies, for those times when you really want to be sad... or just watch a beautiful movie XD.

    If someday I finish my post about Anime, Ghibli is going to have a well deserved place.

  2. I was completely in love with 'Kiki's Delivery Service' as a kid - it's still one of my favorites.
