Wednesday, May 8, 2013

CDSM #8??? All the feels

So since I have no idea what to write about I'm just going to write.

This may get a little personal but sometimes you need to.

There seem to me to be some people in the world who just get it. I don't know if I can explain further than that. I don't think I can explain or define what "it" is. Some people just seem to get it.

During high school I was lucky enough to be super involved in a theatre group full of such people. I came in extremely shy and slightly depressed and came out confident and more talented and creative. It did wonders for me and I was definitely missing something these first two years of college. I love my friends here and my roommates but that bond was missing.

But I was lucky enough to get into an a cappella group here this past week who also seem to get it. Only a week and I feel like I'm part of a family again.

These are my thoughts on this:

1) In most new social groups, you are assumed to be an outsider, you are assumed to be uninteresting, you are assumed to be unremarkable and unattractive, and you have to prove that you are a good person who is fun to be around and has good ideas and a rich life. In these groups of people who seem to "get it", everyone is immediately welcomed. You are innocent until proven guilty, so to say; you are accepted for who you are before they even know who you are. It seems hard to find people like this but people like this are amazing. I feel like nerdfighters can be like this too (I mean look at this blog, prime example!). It's just so positive and heartwarming and I wish the whole world was like that (echhhhh listen to me)

2) Both of these experiences I have had were with performance groups. My second rehearsal experience with my high school theatre group was fight choreography - not fight choreography, no, Gigi-gets-beat-up-violently choreography. When you're part of a performance group you are immediately thrown into very close situations (both physically and emotionally). With live performance especially, you're constantly creating, and relying on each other to create. You almost have no choice but to be family when you're always working together to try and make something beautiful.

I dunno. I'm just really really happy.

To give you some fun treats (and to show you why I am SO FREAKING EXCITED TO BE IN THIS GROUP) here are some videos from the weekend for your enjoyment. That is me running sound in the first one (us newbies only performed in a couple of the simpler songs).


  1. You should!!! It's a whole community!

  2. That sounds really good! I can imagine it's a lot of fun.
