Thursday, May 16, 2013

CDSM #15 In Which I Struggle to Post Before the Day Ends

So I was originally going to write my second post about werewolves today, but then I became super distracted with a bunch of things: mainly the book I am currently reading. So today's post might be short so I can get back to reading   makes sure this is posted in time.

So today I will tell you all about the first time when I skipped school.

I was three years old.

Here I am rocking pink suspenders and a purple shirt.
So the story isn't really as bad as I made it out to be. I was in Kindergarten with my best friend at the time Sophie. I was three years old (having a late birthday and everything) and I think Sophie was around four. Kindergarten used to only run for half a day. The schedule was simple. We learned our alphabet and our numbers, we had indoor play time, outdoor playtime and story time. Then we got to either go home to our parents or go to daycare. 

Now if I remember this day correctly, it was overcast when we went outside for our play time. My two friends at the time (Sophie from above) and Evelyn (I have no picture) and I were playing by some trees behind the playground. I guess we were having so much fun that we didn't hear our teacher blow the whistle to say that play time was over. Instead we continued to play happily. I can kind of faintly remember looking up and realizing that we were the only kids on the playground. This for my childhood mind was kind of mind blowing. I brought this to the attention of my two friends. We had a very serious discussion (as serious as any 3-4 year old could have) and only when Evelyn started to cry (she was scared of what would happen to us if we got caught) did we go back to our classroom.

I don't really remember what happened after that. I don't think I was punished. 

Well there you have it, I slacked off at school even before I knew that slacking off at school was a thing. Does that makes me some kind of school hipster?

I have this other story about an afternoon where our supply teacher never showed up... but I will save that for a different day.

DFTBA everyone!

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