Monday, May 6, 2013

CDSM #7 What if we ...?

So I'm going to being attempting to answer the most frequently searched for “what if we…” questions asked on Google. Don’t expect anything too serious.

… had no moon?
There would be fewer tides, we’d get hit by more asteroids and the earth would spin faster so our days would be much shorter. Also we’d be lacking a comparison to what amore is.

… ruin it all?
Well I’d argue that it would be pretty hard to ruin “it all”. I mean some people definition of ruining is another’s idea of improving. Like when people paint over antiques and it makes some people want to cry, but others think it’s wonderful.

Like evolve? I don’t know. I watch an interesting film called Idiocracy. It’s all about how humans are in fact devolving. It’s fictional, but has some truth to it. The general idea is that it tends to be people who aren't as intelligent who have children younger, and hence more children, whereas those who are more intelligent tend to put of having children in favour of a career and often leaving it to late to have children.

…all had a car?
Our cities would essentially turn in to giant traffic jams, and motorways into glorified car parks. Also, unless we could find a way of running them on some kind of renewable energy, we soon wouldn't be able to run them anyway.

…were superheros?
Then the world still wouldn't be great. It’s a widely known fact that whenever there’s a superhero, there’s an equal and opposite super-villain. Super-villains aren't something that I want to be dealing with. Also, I imagine their evil laugh might get a little wearing after a while.

Then probably someone would invent “fly through” fast food, because that’s just the world we live in.

…are aliens?
Then we’d probably remember we were. That is unless we were planted on earth by some greater alien intelligence as an experiment. In which case, we were probably a dismal failure.

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