Saturday, April 5, 2014

BEDA #4 Question Friday

I have a sinking suspicion I haven't posted here in over a year..... Oops.

Also I realized that I forgot to actually post this. Meaning I'm late too!


What's My Favourite Tree Smell?
I love most tree smells but if I had to choose I would probably say cedar or pine.

What Have I Been Reading Lately?
Next month is Tamora Pierce month over at Death of the Author, the teen blog I contribute to, so I'm trying to read as many Tamora Pierce books as possible. I'm about halfway done the Songs of the Lioness Quartet and I'm really liking it.

I've also been working my way through Kurt Vonnegut, I just recently finished Mother Night and next on my list is Cat's Cradle..

Favourite Books?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HARD QUESTION

The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
Johannes Cabal: The Detective - Jonathan L. Howard
Monkey Beach - Eden Robinson
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
American Gods - Neil Gaiman

A Job You Say?
Yes! I finally got myself a job that isn't in the Waffle Wagon (but now that summer is on its way the waffles will be calling....)! I'm a receptionist at a printing company. Basically they print posters for movie theatres or other kinds of advertisements for stores and company events. I've been told it'll get interesting when the Toronto International Film Festival rolls around. My job is to answer the phones, ship out the posters and do filing. It's all relatively easy but its not too boring. The other people are great. It's only part-time but it's a start!

Tell us about your favourite film director and write a little tour across his/her best movies from your perspective
I think I'm going to save this post for my next BEDA post, that way I can go into more details!

And finally:

What's Your Cat Doing?
Conquering the mindless sheep of humanity. Conversing with demons and other things that go bump in the night.

I'm joking or at least I hope I'm joking. Lucy has been spending her days following the sun through my house. She had different places to sleep at different times of the day. She enjoys pestering my Mom and begging my Dad for treats. Speaking of her relationship with my Dad. They have a daily ritual where my Dad goes outside and leaves bread for the squirrels by the window and then the two of them sit there and watch the squirrels eat while Lucy goads them to come closer.

When she's not doing stuff with my Dad or normal cat things she takes it upon herself to be extremely creepy. Whether it be waiting in the bottom of your bed to bite your toes or sitting on your chest watching you sleep... She's there and she's ready.

This is the first thing I see most mornings

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