Wednesday, April 9, 2014

BEDA #8: Question Tuesday!

Best and worst thing about being a ginger?
The worst thing is definitely the sun burns! I spend 15 minutes in the sun and I turn the color of a tomato, and I'm only slightly exaggerating!
The best thing is probably all of the people telling my how much they love the color of my gorgeous auburn puff. It happens at least a couple of times a week and it's usually little old ladies.
Funny story: when I was very young, 3-5 years old I think, my mom took me tot he grocery store and a couple of nuns came up to me to tell me that they loved my hair, and in response I did an impression of a T-Rex, my favorite dinosaur, by rawring at them like a T-Rex and putting up my fingers like claws and that freaked them out. (This also relates to what job I wanted when I was a kid, which I'll come back to in a sec.)

How is your Nanowrimo story going?
Not as well as I'd like. I have only 2100 words right now... Encouragement? :)

What are your hobbies?
I like writing, obviously otherwise I'd be even more crazy to subject myself to Nanowrimo, but I also really like to watch the show Arrow. It's really good.

Pie or Cake?
Cake! Though it's got to be dairy free.

What was your least favorite subject in high school?
My least favorite subject in high school was math, but specifically Algebra 2/Trig. I had a horrible teacher who thought I was insubordinate and who refused to give me any help when I was floundering in her class because I was "passive-aggressive." I had a 504 which was a documented physical disability, which allowed me to get extra time on tests and she refused to let me get extra time, so I was failing her tests because I wasn't finishing them, until I got retested to make sure I actually needed it (Spoiler alert: after several multi-hour tests on weekends, we figured out that my fine motor skill issues didn't fix themselves). Then after that she treated me like I was a toddler who couldn't understand English. It was humiliating, so yeah. I hated that class and I didn't particularly enjoy math to begin with.

Weirdly, I didn't enjoy English classes very much until my senior year of high school and college. Just goes to show you that things change!

What was the first thing you remember ever wanting to be when you grew up?
desperately wanted to become a paleontologist when I was five. I knew everything there was to know about dinosaurs and I had watched all the documentaries ever made on dinosaurs. Jurassic Park then scared the crap out of me in the first thirty seconds. I still wanted to be a paleontologist for a while, but I eventually lost almost all of my knowledge about dinosaurs sadly.

Super hero or Super villain?

THOR! ... ahem. Superhero. :)


  1. Wow, screw that math teacher all the way to the Sarlacc pit. Sounds like a fucking fine specimen of a person who shouldn't be a teacher. Should be preserved in a jar of alcohol, really.

    Also, I really really wanted to be a paleontologist too when I was growing up. Saw the second Jurassic Park movie and I think that was the one that started my long-lasting dino phase of loving every other dinosaur related thing out there. I also drew them. A lot.


    1. Yeah, funny thing is that girls never have a problem with her because she's a sexist on top of it all. *sigh*

      Dinosaurs are awesome. Later I loved the Walking with Dinosaurs, Prehistoric Beasts and Monsters documentaries.

      I never got into the comics unfortunately because all the issues and different continuities confused me. I didn't want to have to read 80 years worth of comics because it would have been expensive and time consuming. Had I read them I would have probably liked them though. I've always loved superhero movies and shows.

    2. The good ol' concept of girls being submissive and docile while boys are the ones who cause all the trouble and therefore also need more attention. "Boys will be boys". -snort-

      I loved Walking With Dinosaurs (the BBC documentary series)! I had the VHS tapes! I was also really into Disney's Dinosaur. I even had the PS1 game. (along with the Jurassic Park game. I used cheat codes so I could be a Velociraptor.)

      I think you could get into it. Nowadays if you google around you can find recommendations of what continuities to pick up and start from. There's also usually an essential issues list. I sympathize with the confusion though, it's one of the reasons why it's so hard to get into the "big two". I'm in the process of getting more into Marvel comics. I've read a bunch of DC but never got too into Marvel till this year basically, so maybe I could help you out somewhat too.

      I've now read some awesome Black Widow runs, as well as some Avengers and Hawkeye. Good stuff. I also enjoyed the Joss Whedon X-men run I read earlier.

  2. I also went through a dinosaur phase. After I learned how to write I wrote down all the dinosaur names I found in a notebook. I wonder where that notebook is...

    And bad teachers suck. We should make a theme week for bad teacher stories.
