Monday, April 21, 2014

BEDA #21: Happy birthday, Game Boy!

Wow does this make me nostalgic. It's the 25th anniversary of the day the first Game Boy came out! I didn't have the original, but I did get the Game Boy Pocket around when it came out in 1996. I was around 6 or 7 when I got it. I remember I had two Batman games, Tetris, and Pokemon Red. Those were the days. Funnily enough, I still have my Pokemon Red with my Game Boy Advanced. I think it's the only Game Boy game that survived all of the moves and the years in between. It was always my favorite. I might have to break it out now and start a new game.

I never really got into hand held consoles after the Game Boy Advanced. I got into console gaming with my friends and that took the place of my need to get the newest Game Boy or DS. I would have only gotten those for the new Pokemon games probably anyway. I had the Game Boy Advanced SP, but I never really used it and I don't have it anymore.

Speaking of Pokemon, I have a question for all of you guys.

Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander?


  1. Squirtle for the simple reason that I like my pokemon to know surf: it makes training them so much easier if they can reliably take down a rock pkmn in one hit.

  2. I had a gameboy pocket too!

    Oh man, that was the hardest question of my childhood..... The first pokemon I ever got to level 100 was my bulbasaur... but I think now if I were to go back and play the games I would choose Charmander.

    Now I want to go and play pokemon blue....

  3. I never had a Gameboy. I knew some who did but I don't remember truly wanting one (and I was more into just the Pokemon anime, not the games ;D ). The only one I remember being tempting to me was Gameboy Advanced, I think. Mainly I remember watching the son of my mom's ex play Wario on it.

    Also: Charmander. Because fire type and Charizard.

  4. When I was 7 we visited some relatives and they had the original Game Boy with Tetris ^_^
    After that I apparently annoyed my parents long enough to buy me a Game Boy pocket XD I had the pink one, it was awesome. I had Jungle Book and Mario Land 2 and some other games. Then I got a Game Boy Color. I still use it! Sometimes when I can't fall asleep I like to play Tetris or Bust-A-Move 2.

    I actually never owned Pokemon, but I always borrowed the red or blue one from a friend. I remember lying in bed, staying up very late, playing Pokemon and listening to Avril Lavigne. Now I have Pokemon gold and silver (also still borrowed from the same friend. Oops. Although she always got the newest Game Boy, so after a while she couldn't use the old cassettes anyway).

    Charmander. Hands down. For the same reasons as Mia: fire!
