Sunday, April 20, 2014

BEDA 19: If I Could Be Doing Anything Else

So I was going to talk about Pan's Labyrinth today. But I realized that I left all my pictures on my desktop at home... Soooo that's going to have to wait.

Seeing as I had no idea what to write about, I combed through the internet and came across a .pdf with 365 writing prompts. So without further ado I give you the question for today: April 19th 2014.

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be,
and why? If that seems too easy, try this one: who would you
like to have spend a day as you and what do you hope they’d
learn from the experience?
I think if I could have been anyone else for the day I would have been one of those crazy wild life photographers/videographers who work for Discovery. I've always had a strange fascination with sharks. Maybe I could have been one of those crazy people who go down in the cages to film the marine biologists and television personalities hosting those specials.

As for the second part of the question. If someone else could have been me for the day, I would hope that they were a really driven and productive person. Maybe a really awesome writer who would have sat down and pumped out 7,000 words on my Camp Nanowrimo story. I'm just not sure who I would want to be my writer replacement. Do you guys have any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Hell yeah, sharks! I love sharks. I actually wanted to be a marine biologist when I grew up so that I can study them.
