Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sarah likes to do a lot of things!


From now on, I'll try to post frequently again, but let's face it, I will forget or procrastinate or don't have time - the usual.

For the last week I was traveling around Europe with le boyfriend; I took the train to Berlin (which takes over 7 hours and I hate going by train... it's boring and I hate train toilets and it's usually loud and annoying. I watched the first two episodes of Game of Thrones AND WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THAT IT'S NOT THE BEST SHOW TO WATCH WITH CHILDREN AROUND? Boobs and sex and blood all the time, I tell you, those kids are educated now!). I've been in Berlin two years ago, so we didn't really do any sight seeing, I was just looking for comfortable shoes because my Converse were already killing me before going on a week long city trip. Didn't find any, feet hurt now.
Then we went to Amsterdam; I really liked that city! It's somehow unique with all it's canals and houses and boy, the Red Light District! Europe is pretty open with sex, but I've really never seen anything like that. If you walk down a street there it looks like this: Sex shop, pizza place, sex shop, coffee shop, naked woman in the window, burger place, Brazilian restaurant, hostel, sex shop, another naked woman in the window. All the sex seem so normal there, like nothing to hide, and I actually like that. Not that I'm particularly fond of hookers, but you get my point.
Then we drove to Paris. Paris is... okay. I like the sights, but for me that city (Berlin too) is just way too big. They are usually so dirty and I hate the metro because it's always smelly and disgusting and everything is so far away... I'm a small town girl. We went to the Louvre (side entrance, no queue - not like the main entrance where there was an endless queue), which was pretty cool and so huge. But holy crap, what are they doing with the poor Mona Lisa!? There were so many people in front of that tiny painting (behind glass, a bar, a rope and security guys) that it was nearly impossible to get a look. I'm not even a big fan of that particular painting, I think Da Vinci had much better and more interesting paintings. Guess the name is all...
What else I liked about Paris...? The fireworks on July 14th were pretty cool, in general the mood on that day/night was nice, but they closed down the metro and we didn't manage to get back to our hotel until almost 2 am.
In Amsterdam almost all people spoke very good English, but in France it's really impossible to find a person who speaks any language except French (I guess you are the exception, Tangerine!). And the thing is, they don't care if you don't speak French, they will just talk to you in rapid French anyway. At the hotel the situation is like this: Woman: noenoösdhfaöoinfwehfoihefaskjdnksad petit déjeuner kaskdkashdonadkbfkwb chambre asldnksdnf? Me: Eeeeehm... oui? I've learned French for four years, but thanks to our idiotic teacher I can't understand more than three words and can't speak more than two words (I understand it pretty okay when it's written, but that's not always enough). Man man man.

To the theme, or actually traveling is one of my favorite activities, so I sneakily already rambled about that!
It's hard to pick a favorite activity, so I will also list some things I like to do.

Watching TV shows: who would have thought that. I like to watch new episodes, I like to rewatch old episodes and I like to make marathons from time to time where I just watch five episodes of a show in one row.
I don't really like to watch movies on my own, but when I'm together with my boyfriend we watch a movie every evening. We watch some good movies, we also watch a lot of crap, and sometimes we make trilogy marathons (he doesn't want to watch all in one night, so we have to split it to one movie a night). We've watched both Star Wars trilogies in a row, Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, American Pie and our next project is Spiderman.

Internet: another surprise there. If people ask me what I do online all time, I honestly have to say: I don't  know. I watch videos on Youtube, I hang around Facebook (mostly to write in groups and make fun of people), I browse Tumblr, lately also Pinterest...
I run an online TCG (trading card game), which is basically like a normal TCG, just that all the cards are online and you have games to earn cards etc. My TCG is about traveling and I started a food TCG, but it's rather dead at the moment. For those, I have to code some stuff, which is something that I really like to do. HTML and PHP are like a puzzle, you sometimes need a lot of time to figure out a simple thing and in the end you just forgot one letter or something like that.

Lately I got into crafting, I started cross stitching and I really like to sew. I'm actually pretty decent at that, I already made a laptop sleeve and a bag for my headphones. I still have to learn how to make zippers and how to sew button holes, that's still a complete mystery to me. And my next big project will be a quilt, but you know that already!

From time to time, I have playing phases, but those usually pass after a while. Sims, Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies, Burger Shop on the computer and Fable II, Lara Croft, Assassins Creed II and Fifa 12 on the XBox. I also got Skyrim for my birthday, but I didn't really have much time to play that yet and I have no idea what I have or should do... any suggestions/tips?

And now I will stop rambling and go on to my favorite activity number one: TV shows!


  1. Are you still in France?

    1. No, we've only been there for not even three full days... which is really too little for anything, sadly!
