Saturday, July 14, 2012

100th post! Also Stuff I Like to Do

Woo! 100 posts! Congratulations everyone!

In other news, I have two activities that I want to talk about today: writing and D&D which I guess is actually an extension of just hanging out with friends, but I digress.

Writing for me is the most wonderful torturous way to spend a day. I love to create stories and characters in my head. I do it all the time when I'm in cities. I like to sit and watch total strangers walk by and make up stories for who they might be based on just examining their demeanor and their clothes. It's fun, but writing is hard work. I have trouble getting my words on the page without filtering them through my perfectionist mind.

I often get asked why I write. I get exasperated looks when I tell people that I want to be an author. I tell them that I don't write because I want fame or to be rich. I don't write because I think it will bring me eternal glory. I write for two reasons. The first is that I can't imagine what I would do if I stopped writing. I love to create, like I said.

The second is that I want to make a difference, even if my writing makes only one person a bit happier. That's enough for me.

Ok the third reason is because most of my idols are authors and I want to follow in their footsteps. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to write sentences like John Green? Not exactly like his, because that'd be stealing, but you know what I mean.

D&D has been a part of my life since elementary school and it's how I've met most of my best friends who I will cherish for the rest of my life. Plus it's my favorite game ever. It's even better than Skyrim, which is practically blaspheme.


  1. I would love to see what you would write about our motley crew if you sat an observed us!
    What sort of things do you write?
    Have you every thought about publishing anything?

    1. That would be really fun!
      I write a lot of things. Mostly I write stories. Most of those are fantasy, but I have started to branch out into more contemporary realistic stories (pretty much after I read The Fault in Our Stars). I also write a fair bit of poetry. I usually write what feels good at the time.
      Yes I have thought about trying to get published, but right now I don't have much in the way of publishable material. I have tried to get into the major literary magazine published by my school, but I haven't gotten anything published by them yet. I'm still working hard at it though!

  2. Replies
    1. Although I can only count 96? ...

    2. Oh, the post count must also count drafts that were made but aren't published. Premature celebration!
