Monday, April 23, 2012

When I Was Young I Liked Dead Things


Today I shall tell you all about how, when I was younger, about 5 years old, I really liked dead animals and mud.

I wanted to be a paleontologist. Yes, I was that much of a nerd as a kid. I used to watch all of the dinosaur documentaries that were on TV, we had dinosaur movies, I had an army of dinosaur models that I played with, I even had an audio cassette tape (man I feel old saying that...) of a really awesome story about kids going to a dinosaur park. I knew pretty much everything I could about dinosaurs and could even pronounce all of their names.

Of course I have since forgotten most of what my 5 year old self knew about dinosaurs, but every once and a while it comes back to me. I still love dinosaurs, and when BBC came out with their Walking with Dinosaurs and spin-off series I was giddy with excitement.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I never made anything out of my love of dinosaurs. I will have to think of something. Maybe a dinosaur story or something. I did have that dinosaur dig diorama in grade school, but that's it really.

Oh, I almost forgot the mud. We had a dirt pit in the backyard that we would fill with water and I would pretend to dig for dinosaurs (which were actually rocks and sticks).

Until next time, DFTBA!



  1. When I was 7 or something like that, I used to have a notebook in which I copied ALL the dinosaur names I found in books, magazines, etc.

    Dinosaurs are pretty cool.

  2. Don't feel old. We're all still of the audio cassette tape generation :P And yay! Another dino fan!

  3. Sometimes it's best that we don't make a career out of something we really love... or errr go to school for it. You don't want to turn it into a chore... It's hard though, because you don't want your job to be something you don't like.

    The ironies and challenges of life.

