Sunday, April 22, 2012

Warning: Contains cuteness!

So a quick note, for anybody who doesn't check their pants :P There is a new facebook group for us, so we can stay in contact and stuff like that. If you could be so kind to take a quick ganders at our yourpants group to find details of it, that would be splendid :)

When I grow up
Can I refer you to this song to begin with:
Just to clear this up for you, I didn't/don't want to be any of the things in this song. Cos I aint superficial or shizz like that :D

So what did I really want to be when I was younger?
Good question!
This is something which I've had to really think about, and ask my parents for help with, as nothing was in my immediate memory. This is probably down to the fact that I've wanted to be pretty much the same thing since I was 11. A teacher.
So what did I want to be when I was little?

Yes I was freaking adorable.
A Ballerina. This never was destined for success. I didn't ever have the right figure. Short and podgy. When I had dance recitals when I was younger, the rest of my class would go left, and I would go right. The day my mum phoned up my teacher to say I didn't want lessons anymore, my dance teacher told her she was relieved, as she was just about to phone up my mum to say she didn't think dancing was suited to me.

A Vet. I have always loved animals. They're so cute. I was never allowed pets other than goldfish, but none the less I still wanted to be a vet. This was all until I watched some programme about the RSPCA, and the vets that work for them. They operated on a stray cat, which had worms everywhere inside them. I decided this was far to gross, and there was no way I could ever cope with it.

The only other thing I ever wanted to be was a minister. I was going to convert the masses! Then I realized I has nothing good to say, and that I was far to lazy to study my bible enough to ever achieve my goal of being a minister.

So yeah. That's about it really :)

On a side note, it appears that everyone, is either at the end of, middle of, beginning of or about to start exams, so good luck everyone and I hope it goes well :D



  1. I have to give it to you. you were adorable.

  2. I just saw that image of you on fb, the one that I assume is a school photo day photo, with your big crooked glasses and slightly messy hair. Dear lord you were ridiculously adorable! :U

    And aaaaw at your dance skills!

    1. Haha. My Dad decided to put it up as it's my least favourite photo of myself. I look like a witch "hide your wife, hide your kids". But everyone seems to think it's cute, so I'll go with that ...

    2. I laughed so hard at that comment from you father: "I'm the one on the left by the way" XDD

    3. I didn't see a pic with your dad in but that school photo was adooooooooorable! You don't look like a witch at all, but remind me of a really adorable, geeky, awkward, and quirky kid character from one of those kid-centric movies from 80s and 90s xD
