Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Books are awesome and smell wonderful

First off I must apologise for my absence. Uni and life got to me D:

However, I return for this fortnights theme of books. I am deeply in love with books and find it impossible to pick out my favourites! I honestly do. I can list ones I like but to choose between those and pick favourites is beyond me!

So I shall list some of the ones I like instead.

* Blind Beauty ~ K.M. Peyton
This is a story about a stubborn and unruly girl who forms a bond with an ugly and unloved horse. It follows their journey together and I just find it touching. It isn't a book which sparks you to have deep thoughts or any of that. You can just read it and enjoy it and I like that. Sometimes I just want a simple story which is effectively told. I first read this when I was a lot younger but i still re-read it today.

* Blue Man Falling ~ Frank Barnard
This is about two RAF pilots in WW2. I am deeply interested in WW2 and WW1 so this book leapt out to me, especially as I have a deep love for the RAF as well. It manages to show how war brought out the best and worst in people. It also manages to show how brave and selfless these pilots were and illustrates just what they were up against and had to face day to day.

* The Cry of the Icemark~ Stuart Hill
I am deeply in love with this book. It is about a girl who although young has to take charge of her Fathers country of the Icemark when he is killed in battle. The country faces invasion and she has to think of ways in which to keep her home and people safe. I just love it. It shows how sometimes a new person is needed for new ideas and new plans to save the day. The characters in this book are lovable and you want to read more and more of their adventures together. However, although there are more books in this series I wouldn't recommend them. They follow Thirrins (the main character of this book) children and the stories just don't grab me at all. But this first book is a definite must read.

I think I shall leave it as three books. As you can see I don't just stick to one genre so I have so many books I could tell you about. I have also just added The Hunger Games and A Game of Thrones to my book collection and I can't wait to read them when I have time. I want to read the Hunger Games before I watch the film :)

I hope everyone is well!


  1. Agreed on the books smelling wonderful. I love walking into Used Book Stores and just breathing in that old book smell.

    And on The Hunger Games and Game of Thrones (Song of Fire and Ice Series) they're both super awesome! You'll LOVE THEM!

    1. I also love the smelling books thing, but for the search for the old book smell it's an extreme sport, I'm very allergic to dust XD.

      COMPLETE ABSOLUTE EXTREME Support with the Song of Fire and Ice Series... I can't say the same about the Hunger Games, cause I didn't read those...

      By the way, I can't say anything about most of the books in your list cause those aren't published in my country. So... *awkward silence*

    2. I love just smelling books. Doing so in book stores is the only place you can do so without getting odd looks now-a-days. Some people just don't understand how awesome they smell!

      I am really enjoying the Hunger Games at the moment but it is trying to find time to read at the moment! I can't wait to start on the Game of Thrones ><

    3. Also I hate it when books aren;t published in your country! it is infuriating! :S

    4. ...why is there no book-scented perfume?

    5. I bought and read the first hunger games book yesterday. I like it, It's really entertaining but I have small issues with some things that I'm not going to mention cause I don't know if Kate finished it yet.
