Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My (not so) exciting life

I said I'd blog today, so I am doing that. I actually wanted to take pictures, but forgot (of course) so you just imagine everything, okay?
The theme says 'fairly detailed', so detailed you get:

My alarm (which is Poker Face) rang the first time at 7:15. I'm a snoozer, so I hit snooze and continued sleeping until 7:23 or something. iPhone has random snoozing times, sometimes it's 7 minutes, sometimes 9 minutes, you never know. My second alarm rang at 7:32 and that's when I really have to get up.
I was super tired because I couldn't fall asleep until 3 am or so. I have a bad cough and even though I'm taking codeine, it wouldn't let me sleep.
Sleepily I brushed my teeth with my purple electric toothbrush, at least you don't need much brain activity for that. I put in my lenses and went downstairs to make tea. Mischa demanded to be fed, so I gave her some Whiskas. I'm home alone at the moment because my father is in Egypt for two weeks, so I'm the provider for the cat.
My mother picked me up at 8:00 on her way to work and because the hospital is close to the court, I'm usually driving with her.

There was some traffic, so I reached university at 8:20, five minutes too late. The first two lecture were orthopedics, it was not really anything exciting, but it was also not too bad. The third lecture was pharmacology which was a bit boring. Overall the lectures were a torture for me because I'm taking acetylcystein so that I can cough up the mucus. That works nicely, but I can't exactly cough in university because a) it's loud and b) it's a pretty disgusting sound. So half of the time I was about to suffocate, the other half I had a hiccup from not coughing.

At 11:00 I had my first elective course - emergency neurology. It's always quite interesting and the professor tells so many stories of his life. The main subject is what to pay attention to (neurogically) if you have an emergency patient. After that, at 12:00, there is tropical medicine with the same professor. It was about Malaria today which I don't find particularly interesting. It's until 13:30, but I decided to leave at 13:00 so that I have a bit more time at home to rest between courses.

So I went home by bus, watched an episode of Dexter and ate some chinese food we had in the freezer. I had to leave the house again at 15:00 to take the bus back to the hospital for my neurosurgery course.
At least that was quite nice, I was just super tired. It's bedside teaching, in that case it means that our professor gets patients to the seminar room and we can examine them. First there was a woman with back pain, but it was hard to examine her because everything caused her severe pain. The second patient was an old guy with a chronic epidural hematoma, he will be operated tomorrow. They don't really know why he has it, probably he hit his head somewhere. He just went to doctor because he had a headache for a while now.

At 16:30 I went back home, watched one episode of Friends and drank some tea. Now it's 18:30 and I'm playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 online with le boyfriend. We're getting our ass kicked by the enemies, but we're not losing yet.

Now it's 22:30.

I got hungry and because I was too lazy to go shopping, I had literally nothing to eat at home. So I decided to drive to McDonald's (that's the main reason why I have my driving license), got a Big Mac menu and raced home. I hope they did not measure speed because I was 20-30 km/h over the speed limit. Hey, my fries were getting cold!
I ate while watching Friends.

When I was sitting on the couch downstairs watching Castle, Mischa was misching around and suddenly I saw a mouse running across the floor. Mischa doesn't seem to have any intention in catching that mouse, she's sleeping on my pillow now. Guess I have two pets now. Yay?

Now we're playing Heroes again, but we're about to lose. I showered and will download Bones to watch before sleeping. I decided not to go to university tomorrow, but rather stay sleep long and try to cure my cough.

And that's about it, welcome to my exciting life!


  1. Oh how I relate, I have a cough too. I woke up early in the morning because my throat was full of mucus and I was coughing. I had to drink some soda to get back to sleep.

    I've had far worse coughs though, this one seems more minor (though it has ruined my voice a bit, just like the worse ones). I get them every time I fall ill and they tend to linger for like...4 months. (I'm starting to suspect it has something to do with the pneumonia and bronchitis I got frequently when I was younger.)

    Though last time I got a bad cough over nothing it seemed. I didn't have a fever, I didn't get a flu, but I sure did get a cough. For a long time I felt like my lungs were filling with liquid and I just wanted a magical squeegee to use on them. I was starting to suspect it was bronchitis without fever but I procrastinated a visit to the doctor. Luckily it eventually stopped after few months...

    1. ...ok, it may have taken six months for it to stop that time. I can't remember!

  2. I wish I had mucus... it's rather a dry cough, but with mucus sitting deep down. In the evening it's so bad that I almost can't breathe, that's why I went to doctor on Monday.

    At least my voice is okay now, usually I start to sound like Darth Vader or a robot XD

    Last winter I had a cough for more than three months... usually I don't really get sick with fever and sneezing and everything, I just get a really bad cough. It was completely dry and nothing would help... after trying everything you can get in the pharmacy, I went to my general doctor who gave me a codeine syrup, it didn't help. Then I went to my internist who gave me antibiotics - also didn't help except that I vomited every day because of them. Finally I went to a pulmonologist, he also didn't really know why I have a cough, but he tested me for asthma (nope) and prescribed me two corticosteroid inhalers anyway. And that really helped, it took them for a couple of weeks and my cough really got better. He said that sometimes that helps because it calms down the irritated bronchioli. He's a genius!

    1. You sound just like me with your coughs!

      (Except that I don't start to sound like Vader, I start to sound like Chandler Bing's post-op dad. :P)

      Mucus only seems to gather during the night. Mostly my current cough feels relatively dry, which is probably why it's tearing my throat a bit (I only rarely manage to hack up some chunk of mucus). When I had that 6-month long head-ache-inducing cough it was also dry-ish. It just felt like there was liquid all over my lungs, and it wasn't budging.

      EVERY time I have a cough, it gets worse in the evenings! It can be such hell! >_<

      I've been to the (general) doctor for my cough before too and they've never managed to explain it, they've just prescribed me cough medicine. I haven't seen about the asthma thing yet though, I meant to, but I kept procrastinating because I felt my cough would mess with the results.

      Cough medicine has never helped me. No matter what kind I've tried. :/

    2. Cough medicine just tastes disgusting and doesn't help...

    3. It's like a placebo. You'll think it does something because it tastes like crap but it doesn't.
