Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thoughts from places: Keele University

Where has everyone gone? No one's posted in ages :( Don't worry, I know most of you have exams and deadlines, but come back soon? :) So on with my blog:

I found myself pondering what thought provoking and inspiring things that my University brings to mind. I thought for a very long time and got nowhere. So I looked at the many photos I'd taken to gain inspiration. Luckily James and I took a few photos only a couple of months ago!

When I think of my Univeristy, I think of this:

A big mass of concrete, in which one works hard, studies hard and parties hard. A metropolis, full of energy and stress. Lots of people. Many friends. Too much to do and too little time. Friendly but distant. A tool; a step in the staircase of life.

But that wasn't the story which most of my photos told. They painted a completely different picture. It's so easy to forget the true beauty which we have lying right on our doorsteps. So easy to get caught up in every day life. This is what I saw when I browsed through my photos:

I completely forget in day to day life, that infact my University is built on top of an old stately manor, has a massive woods and 9 lakes all on campus. These photos show beauty, richness and a peaceful place. I abuse the privilege that I have, by ignoring it and taking it for granted. The worst thing about it is that it's so easy.

How often do we do this in life? Get so caught up in who we are and where we're going that we're blinded and miss the beauty right in front of us. We live in a culture that is so privileged, we become immune. Immune to the simple gifts in life. The smell of freshly mown grass, the taste of home cooked meals and the cold side of the pillow on a hot summers night.

What I'm trying to say, is try and appreciate the good things you have already, rather than the things you used to have or don't have yet. 



  1. The picture of James hugging the tree is the best thing in the entire post... No more comments...

    1. Nice to know you appreciate my thought provoking post, and gained the full message I was trying to get across :P

    2. Hey, he's really going town on that tree!

      *bricked* xDDD
